10 Foods to Avoid Strictly for People with Type 2 Diabetes

  • 40 months ago
5 minute read.
10 Foods to Avoid Strictly for People with Type 2 Diabetes

What is type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is a severe condition in which the body cells become incapable of utilizing glucose or sugar efficiently. It creates a severe problem for an individual because glucose is a significant source of energy. Not having adequate amounts of it in your body can drop energy levels to a great extent creating further issues. The blood sugar rises when the cells lose the inability to respond to insulin.


  • Increased hunger
  • Increased thirst
  • Decreasing energy levels
  • Weight loss
  • Dryness in mouth
  • Frequent itching on skin
  • Differences in vision from normal to blurred

These symptoms can get severe if not taken care of properly. Thus, people with type 2 diabetes need to pay excessive attention to their diet. An individual with type 2 diabetes cannot load their body with anything or everything; there is always a distinct border line one needs to maintain.

It is not just about entertaining healthy eating, but more about limiting the intake of what shouldn't be consumed to create a significant difference in a healthy diet. It is important to maintain all important nutrients in the body while keeping any sugar content at bay.

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Table of Content

#1 Avoid Dry Fruits
#2 Limit white Carbs
#3 Say No to Processed Food
#4 Ignore Fried Food As If They Don’t Exist
#5 Alcohol intake should be moderated
#6 Sweeteners like honey are still sweeteners
#7 Full fat dairy is simply the wrong choice
#8 Strictly don’t eat sweets
#9 Diet sodas are good for your diet?
#10 Red Meat Doesn’t Meet Your Diabetic Requirements

#1 Avoid Dry Fruits

Feast on fresh fruits instead of munching dry fruits. You would be wondering that dry fruits have more fibre content, so why such a change of heart? The sole reason for this replacement is the water content that’s more in fresh fruits than dry ones.

Try eating 10 dry raisins and 10 grapes. Which one satisfies your hunger faster? Indeed the fresh grapes. Since you won’t be satisfied with 10 raisins, you’ll munch more which means consuming more sugar.

#2 Limit White Carbs

Anything that is made of white flour should be avoided. These are rich in starches and generate a lot of sugar during the process of metabolism. It is better to replace them with whole grains such as brown rice, oats or other grains and millets that digest quickly without producing more glucose.

#3 Say No to Processed Food

Packaged, processed food and baked food like cookies have sodium which is again dangerous because they contain many preservatives and unhealthy fats that increase cholesterol and affect your heart badly. Trans fat is a big enemy of type 2 diabetic people and should be kept aside forever to minimize the complications.

#4 Ignore Fried Food As If They Don’t Exist

Fried food is a guilty pleasure, and it is tough to resist cravings for these yummy bites. But as yummy as they smell and taste, they are 10x times harmful for our body. The worst thing about fried food is that they leave the sugar level high for a very long period of time and don't digest quickly.

#5 Alcohol Intake Should Be Moderated

Alcohol interferes with your sugar levels and disturbs your liver balance. Also, sweet wines that have high sugar content should not be consumed. It is always better to consult a dietitian or doctor before even taking a sip of these hard drinks.

#6 Sweeteners Like Honey are Still Sweeteners

No matter how healthy these alternatives of white sugar may seem, they still can increase sugar levels. So, diabetic patient should keep their hands away from these sweeteners.

#7 Full Fat Dairy Is Simply the Wrong Choice

Including dairy products in your diet, if you have diabetes is a wrong choice! It would be hitting a hammer on your foot. Dairy products contain saturated fats that increase bad cholesterol in your body. It depresses insulin resistance and promotes the risk of heart diseases which worsens the condition of diabetic 2 people.

#8 Strictly Don't Eat Sweets

Why would you want to add fats to your body knowing it’s not good for you. If you eat sweets, not only will they disturb the insulin levels but will add on extra layers of fat in areas like the stomach, thighs, abdomen and damage your body shape as well.

#9 Avoid Diet Sodas

The low-quality carbohydrates in soda raise blood sugar. People who consume diet sodas are not likely to drink the water due to the switch, which is a wrong signal. Water is a remedy to almost every ailment, and reducing its consumption will only create a bad effect on an individual's diet. It increases the risk of heart problems in diabetes type 2 people.

#10 Red Meat Doesn’t Meet Your Diabetic Requirements

According to sources, feasting on red meat like bacon, pork, and lamb increase the risk of diabetic 2 patients even if consumed in smaller quantities. They contain rich proteins, which generate lots of sugar during the breakdown. Hence, it should not be included in your diet.

Eating lots of red meat linked to colon cancer

Take Away

Since you now know what not to eat for type 2 diabetes. Kindly avoid it strictly. It can sometimes get tricky, and individuals might not be able to manage their cravings. Once a person with diabetes, a person tends to attract heart and kidney diseases as well. A careful balance is thus a big mandate. A dietitian or a nutritional expert, in that case, can be a savior and help you get through rough patches.

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