Write For Us (Blog Submission Guidelines)

  • 6 months ago
2 minute read.
Write For Us (Blog Submission Guidelines)

Thank you for reaching out to us and showing interest to publish content on The Wellness Corner. We are a leading health and wellness platform with 500,000+ monthly visitors and an industry experience of over 10+ years of implementing successful wellness programs across various top organizations across India.

We always welcome and value quality content that follows our submission guidelines mentioned below.

Please browse our website and carefully read these guidelines before sending us your topic or article.

  1. Your article must be 1000+ words.
  2. Your content must be unique (100% plagiarism-free), high quality and provide value to our readers.
  3. You can feature outside resources to validate arguments within the article.
  4. You need to provide minimum 1 photo in article along with one blog feature image. Image dimension should be 600 x 400. It must be either original or fair use with info on where it was obtained.
  5. We understand backlinks and the motivation behind them. And We’re protective of ours, but we’ll still share our “link juice” in exchange for quality content. We allow a maximum of 1 backlink to your website or blog if it is not pro-motive.
  6. We might offer you to exchange links with us for 1 Do-Follow link on our website.
  7. It usually takes 4-8 days to review and publish your content.
  8. Browse our website and share 3-5 unique topic ideas that you find relevant for our target audience.
  9. Our team will review your suggested topics and approve one topic.
  10. Do not share the directly without topic approval from our team.
  11. We appreciate the efforts of the writers, but we do not provide any monetary benefit in exchange nor charge any fee.
  12. There is no price for guest blogs, and they won’t be tagged sponsored or guest blogs either. They’ll be posted as normal blogs.
  13. Since the blogs are reviewed and approved by wellness professionals, we maintain the confidentiality of the bloggers' identities. (No profile disclosure)
  14. We’d mostly keep the backlink live for 6 months- 1 year (Minimum)
  15. No products or services are directly endorsed or promoted.

If your blogs align with our content relevancy standards, we would love to feature them in our weekly newsletter exclusively.

Kindly share your content at content@truworthwellness.com.

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