Why Am I So Indecisive? 10 Methods That Can Help You Make Decisions

  • 29 months ago
6 minute read.
Why Am I So Indecisive? 10 Methods That Can Help You Make Decisions

How often have you faced two choices and found yourself incapable of deciding between them? If you're indecisive, it can be frustrating to live this way, especially when making decisions about important things, like what college to attend or what career path to take.

Luckily, there are ways you can overcome your indecisiveness and start making more effective decisions right away—you need to know where to look. This article will give you ten steps to help you move forward with confidence when facing difficult future decisions.

What Causes Indecisiveness?

There are many causes of indecisiveness, but some of the most common include low self-confidence, stress, and anxiety. If you often struggle with making decisions, don't worry - you're not alone. Indecision is one of the most common psychological problems that people face.

It can be especially difficult for people with a history of depression or anxiety disorder. Dealing with indecision also needs to be taken seriously by anyone experiencing it. The last thing you want to do when deciding on an important life choice is to sit there feeling paralyzed and unable to make a decision!

Why is Making Decisions So Hard?

There are a few reasons why making decisions can be so tricky. Sometimes, we have low confidence and doubt our ability to make the right choice. Other times, we might be dealing with stress or anxiety, which can cloud our judgment. And sometimes, we're just plain old indecisive! Decisions come in all shapes and sizes - from selecting a new TV show on Netflix to deciding what type of toothpaste you want to buy at the store. These decisions can feel daunting if you don't know how to handle them properly. Luckily, there are ways that you can feel more confident about your decision-making skills and better equip yourself for any decision that comes your way.

The Downsides of Indecision

  • The inability to make decisions can lead to a lot of negative consequences. For one, it can mean you miss out on opportunities because you can't commit.
  • Indecision can lead to low confidence and self-doubt. If you're constantly second-guessing yourself, it can be hard to move forward in life. Indecision can also be stressful, both for the person struggling with it and those around them.
  • Dealing with indecision can be exhausting, both mentally and emotionally. In a workplace setting, employees may face additional pressure to decide quickly. Those experiencing indecision may find themselves in a tough spot if they are working at jobs requiring quick decisions (such as emergency response or management).

Proven Methods That can Help you Become More Decisive

If you struggle with making decisions, don't worry - you're not alone. Indecisiveness is quite common, and several methods can help you become more decisive. Here are 10 proven methods that can help you make decisions.

1) Figure Out What You Need from Each Decision

To make a decision, you need to understand your goals and what you're trying to achieve. Adopt effective decision making. Once you know that, you can start evaluating your options. Consider the pros and cons of each option, and try to minimize the risk. If you're still having trouble, consider using a decision-making matrix or talking to a trusted friend or advisor. And don't forget to take some time for yourself! Stress management is an integral part of the decision-making process.

Try relaxing before making big decisions by taking a walk in nature, meditating, or practicing self-care rituals like getting a massage. Sometimes we think we'll feel better if we get it over with, but in reality, this makes us feel worse because now we have to live with the consequences of our decision for longer than necessary.

2) Use Checklists to Simplify the Process

Making decisions can be challenging, especially when you feel like you have a lot riding on the outcome. Write out the pros and cons for each option so you can see your options more clearly. Write down what you'll do if the decision goes well or if it doesn't go well. Evaluate how quickly and easily this decision can be reversed (if it doesn't work out). Is there any way to limit downside risk? What happens if the decision doesn't work out? How much time will it take to evaluate my decision before making it final? These are all important questions to ask yourself.

3) Set Deadlines to Make Decisions

If you find yourself constantly um-ing and ah-ing over decisions, it might help to set a deadline for yourself. This way, you won't have the luxury of time to agonize over every little detail. Of course, some decisions are more important than others and will require more thought. But for smaller choices, setting a time limit can be helpful in forcing you to make a decision.

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4) Put it on Your Calendar

If you have a big decision to make, it can be helpful to put it on your calendar. This way, you can give yourself some time to think about it and gather information. Then, when the time comes, you can make a more informed decision. When in doubt, sleep on it: We all know that this is not always possible but if there is something weighing heavily on your mind, try giving yourself at least one night of rest before making any major decisions.

5) Tell Someone Else

There's no shame in being indecisive. In fact, it's actually quite common. But if you're finding that your indecisiveness is impacting your life in a negative way, Telling someone else about your decision-making process might help give you the push needed to make a choice. Brainstorm and list out the pros and cons of each option: One thing many people don't realize is that when making decisions, we often overlook the benefits or rewards of one option over another. When faced with two options, spend time brainstorming the pros and cons of each before making your final decision.

Don't let stress get the better version of you. Reach out to a counselor and know the best ways to cope up with emotional hindrances.

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6) Wait Longer, Think Faster

When you're stuck on a decision, it can feel like a clock is ticking, and the pressure is mounting. But instead of rushing to choose, try waiting a bit longer. Taking extra time will give you a chance to consider all your options and make a more informed decision. Plus, you might be surprised by how much calmer you feel with a little distance between now and when you have to take action.

7) Avoid Decisions When Possible

Making decisions can be tough, especially when you're constantly questioning yourself. If this is the case, it's best to avoid making decisions altogether. If it's an emergency and there isn't time to think about what you want to do, use a simple process of elimination. Start by listing out your options and then cross off the ones that are unappealing or not plausible. If that doesn't work, take a break from the decision-making process by doing something else for a while before coming back with fresh eyes and seeing what is really the best option at that moment.

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8) Start Making Small Choices Sooner in Larger Decisions

One method that can help you make decisions is to start making small choices sooner in larger decisions. For example, when considering a job offer, instead of waiting until you have signed the contract, research the company and talk with current employees before making your decision. Another way to make your decision easier is by taking a risk assessment quiz that lists some of the pros and cons of any given a choice (you can find one here). And finally, when faced with two bad options, always choose the one where your future self will be happy.

9) Avoid Questioning Your Final Decision

One of the main reasons people have a hard time making decisions is because they feel like there is always more than one option to choose from. And it's true, there usually is more than one option for any given decision. When this happens, experts recommend that you question your final decision and make sure you won't regret it later on.

10) Develop Your Confidence

If you're finding that you're indecisive more often than not, it might be because you lack confidence in your decision-making skills. Try setting some goals for yourself. Create SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely) so that you have something to work towards and celebrate when you've reached them.


If you're plagued by indecision, don't despair. By understanding the root causes of your indecision and using some of the strategies outlined above, you can start making decisions with confidence. It might be hard at first to adopt a new approach, but eventually, it will become natural. Soon enough, you'll be on top of things again!

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