Is Dealing With A Change Terrifying For You? Overcome That

  • 25 months ago
1 minute read.
Is Dealing With A Change Terrifying For You? Overcome That

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” – Winston Churchill

Change drives you to keep going not matter what you face. Below are a few tips on dealing with change:

1. Recognize that you are constantly amidst change

It is natural to be worried about change. Know that change is going to happen whether you like it or not. Therefore, it is always better to face it head on.

2. Face your fears

Fear is good. It helps you stay vigilant at all times. Try opening up to the people you trust. Someone else may give you new ideas.

If you find yourself making decisions based on fear or frustration rather than logic. Consult a psychologist for emotional guidance. (Anonymous | Judgement-free sessions)


3. Communicate, communicate, and communicate!

Change can be better dealt with when you have company. Half the problems disappear when you begin to speak about them.

4. Take stock of your resources

Resources need not only be financial. They could include upgrading knowledge, learning new skills, or even connecting with other people who could help you get through the hard times.

5. Anticipate stress

Change brings with it imminent fear and stress, even when the upcoming situation is not very scary.  We have to learn how to deal with it.

Don’t become a victim of change. Take charge and do whatever you can to be part of the solution you wish to see.

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