5 Simple Hair Care Tips

  • 58 months ago
1 minute read.
5 Simple Hair Care Tips

Listed here are 5 mistakes in hair care and 5 simple tips to take care of your hair.

5 Mistakes -

  1. Frequently changing your shampoo.
  2. Tying your hair too tight with a rubber band or clip.  Using rusted hair clips to pin flowers or for hair decoration.
  3. Not cleaning your comb regularly.
  4. Using hair dryers or other hair gadgets frequently.
  5. Applying dye or henna (mehendi) or colors without finding out what suits you.

5 Simple Tips for Hair Care -

  1. Wash your hair frequently with a mild shampoo that suits you.
  2. Pat your hair dry after a wash; do not rub vigorously.
  3. Massage your scalp regularly.
  4. Comb / brush your hair gently at least once a day to prevent tangling.
  5. Eat healthy.

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