Looks aren't everything, but it certainly doesn't hurt to have an image that's easy on the eyes. Fortunately, being good-looking these days isn't just about being born that way. It's about appreciating and emphasizing your best features, and putting your best foot forward.
These foods can add to your looks!
1.Water: Water helps your skin by getting by-products out of your body. By drinking lots of water, you're helping your kidneys function better, which in turn helps skin avoid a tired look.
2.Salmon: Salmon is an excellent source of protein. It helps improve the production of collagen, keratin and melanin and helps to prevent dry patches that you might have noticed on your face. Salmon has even found to make you less prone to wrinkles because it is so rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This fish has shown to help boost the skin's ability to retain water.
3.Flaxseeds: Flax seed oil contains high levels of omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids which can either be taken internally by eating flax seeds or it can be applied externally as a pack for healthy skin. Flax seed oil is useful for healing scars, abrasions and also has anti-inflammatory properties, and so is useful for inflamed skin or skin disorders such as psoriasis and eczema and also for dry skin.
4.Berries: plums, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries- these berries have a great antioxidant capacity which means the more of these we have, the longer our skin will look youthful and healthy.
5.Avocado: Avocado is rich in B-complex vitamins and essential oils and works like an anti-inflammatory agent. It also soothes skin that is red, irritated or blotchy. You can even mix it with yogurt and berries to add some flavor.
6.Almond: Rich in vitamin E, it helps to moisturize your skin from within. It also protects your skin from damage and premature aging. Eating almonds can help your facial tissue stay in its best shape for years.
7.Walnuts: Anti-oxidants found in walnuts are essential for skin regeneration and elasticity, but walnuts also include chemicals that help boost circulation, bringing oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells quickly. Just four walnuts a day will provide you with all their skin-protecting benefits. Try adding walnuts to salads or cooked vegetables.
8.Wheat germ: wheat germ is a chock-full of biotin, a nutrient known for making hair and nails strong and resilient. Wheat germ oil is a great natural skin care treatment for rejuvenating dry, aging and dehydrated skin. Wheat germ oil can also be found in soft gels.
Enjoy being gorgeous!