Cystocele (Prolapsed bladder)

  • 49 months ago
1 minute read.
Cystocele (Prolapsed bladder)

A Cystocele, also known as a Prolapsed Bladder occurs when the supportive tissue between a woman's bladder and vaginal wall weakens and stretched, allowing the bladder to bulge into the vagina. Straining the muscles that support the pelvic organs may lead to a Cystocele. This kind of straining occurs during vaginal childbirth, chronic constipation and violent coughing or heavy lifting.

The symptoms of a Cystocele or prolapsed bladder include:

• Recurrent urinary tract infections
• A bulge or swelling felt at the vaginal opening
• A sensation of fullness or pressure inside the vagina
• Increased discomfort when you strain, cough, bear down or lift
• Pain or urinary leakage during sexual intercourse

One may be at increased risk of developing Cystocele or prolapsed bladder due to the following factors:

• Genetics
• Having a hysterectomy
• Aging
• Childbirth

To reduce your risk of developing a Cystocele, consider these self-care measures:

• Avoid weight gain and get advice on weight loss strategies, if you need them
• Control the causes of coughing and don't smoke
• Treat and prevent constipation
• Perform Kegel exercises on a regular basis

Contact your doctor if you experience any signs and symptoms of Cystocele!

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