Developmental Milestones from Infant birth to 1 year

  • 57 months ago
2 minute read.
Developmental Milestones from Infant birth to 1 year

There are a number of childhood developmental milestones to keep watch for as the infant grows like physical developments - head circumference, height, weight and cognitive and motor skills. A child should however have regular, well-baby check-ups with a pediatrician, until required.

Developmental delays or slower-than-expected growth can be caused by many different factors like - Genetics, Chronic disease, Endocrine disorders, Emotional health, Infection, Poor nutrition etc. Let's now look into the normal physical developmental milestones of a baby from infant birth to 1 year of age:

Birth :

Boys Girls Weight 3 - 3.7 kgs 2.6 -3.5 kgs Length 48.5 – 51.1 cms 48- 50.3 cms

3 months:

Boys Girls Weight 5.9 - 6.9 kgs 5.3 - 6.3 kgs Length 59.9 - 62.7 cms 58.4 - 61.2 cms

6 months:

Boys Girls Weight 7.3 - 8.5kgs 6.7 - 8 kgs Length 66.3 - 69.1 cms 64.3 - 67.1 cms

9 months:

Boys Girls Weight 8.2 - 9.5 kgs 7.6 -8.9 kgs Length 70.4 - 73.4 cms 68.6 - 71.9 cms

12 months:

Boys Girls Weight 9 -10.4 kgs 8.2 -9.7 kgs Length 74.2 - 77.5 cms 72.4 - 75.7 cms

Let's now look into some important motor, cognitive and motor developments below:

Between 1- 7 months:
1. Head and chest circumference become basically equal to the part of the abdomen.
2. Continued brain growth.
3. Tries to grasp with entire hand; strength insufficient to hold items.
4. Movements are large and jerky.
5. True eye color gets established as it ages. Cries with tears.
6. Teeth may begin to appear, with upper and lower incisors coming in first. Gums may become red and swollen, accompanied by increased drooling, chewing, biting, and mouthing of objects.
7. Tries to sit alone without support, holding head erect, back straightened, and arms propped forward for support.
8. Environmental conditions, activity, clothing still affect variations in body temperature.
9. Responds to hearing test.
10. Transfers objects from one hand to the other; grasps object using entire hand. Puts everything in mouth.

Infants between 8-11 months:
11. It can see distant objects (4 to 6 m or 13 to 20 ft away) and points at them. As it ages it can distinguish the objects clearly.
12. Watches people, objects, and activities in the immediate environment.
13. Releases objects by dropping or throwing; cannot intentionally put an object down.
14. Able to drink from a cup
15. Babbles
16. Displays social smile
17. Gets first tooth
18. Plays peek-a-boo
19. Lifts head when placed on back.
20. Pulls self to standing position.
21. Says mama and dada, using terms appropriately.
22. Understands "NO" and will stop activity in response.
23. Walks while holding on to furniture or other support and finally walks without support.
24. Imitates activities like playing drum, making actions etc.

If there is delay in developmental delay, parents should try feeding the child on demand. Increase the amount of food offered to the child. Offer nutritional, high-calorie foods. If you think developmental delays or emotional issues may be contributing to a child's delayed growth or any of the other factors like genetic, disease etc as mentioned above contact your Pediatrician and take your child for regular health checkups.

It is important to understand that there is wide variation in terms of what is considered "normal," driven by a wide variety of genetic, cognitive, physical, family, cultural, nutritional, educational, and environmental factors. Many children will reach some or most of these milestones at different ages.

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