Esophageal Varices

  • 57 months ago
1 minute read.
Esophageal Varices

These are unusual, enlarged veins in the lower part of one's esophagus- the tube that connects the mouth and stomach. Esophageal varices commonly occur in people with serious liver diseases and develop when normal blood flow to the liver is blocked by scar tissue in the liver or a clot. Finding a way around the blockages, the blood flows into smaller blood vessels that are not intended to carry large volumes of blood. These vessels may leak blood or even rupture, causing life-threatening conditions.

The causes of esophageal varices include:

• Cirrhosis
• Blood clot
• A parasitic infection
• Budd-Chiari syndrome (a rare condition that causes blood clots which can block veins that carry blood out of your liver)

This condition doesn't cause signs and symptoms unless they bleed. The signs and symptoms of bleeding esophageal varices include:

• Vomiting blood
• Shock in severe cases
• Black or bloody stools
• Light-headedness

Treating the causes of liver disease may prevent bleeding. Preventive treatment for varices includes medications and sometimes liver transplantation is considered for some patients.

When to see a doctor?

Contact your doctor if you notice any signs or symptoms that worry you. Bleeding esophageal varices are an emergency!

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