Incompetent Cervix

  • 57 months ago
1 minute read.
Incompetent Cervix

During pregnancy, as the baby grows and gets heavier, it leads to a certain amount of presses on the cervix. The pressure may cause the cervix to open or become thin even before the baby is ready to be born.This premature opening or thinning of cervix before the term of pregnancy is known as incompetent cervix. And this can lead to increased risk of miscarriage and other complications during pregnancy.

The exact cause for an incompetent cervix is unclear. However, the factors that can increase a woman's risk for it include:

• Previous surgery on the cervix
• Previous trauma to the cervix such as dilation from a termination or a miscarriage
• Malformed uterus or cervix from a birth defect

Many cases of cervical insufficiency remain asymptomatic. But mild discomfort after several days or weeks is possible- starting at week 15 to week 20 of pregnancy.

Warning signs of cervical incompetence are :

• Backache
• Mild abdominal cramps
• A sensation of pelvic pressure
• A change in vaginal discharge
• Light vaginal bleeding
​• Mild contractions

What Should You Do?

• Have regular antenatal visits.

• Take the prescribed medicines as told by your obstetrician.

• Avoid alcohol & smoking

• Eat a healthy diet.

• Do not take any medication without consulting your doctor.

• Take your iron and folic acid supplements as told by your doctor .

If you notice any of the above warning signs then you should visit your doctor without delay.

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