Safety tips for women

  • 48 months ago
2 minute read.
Safety tips for women

Being the world’s second-most populous nation, with approximately 1.3 billion people, India is ranked as the most dangerous for women in the following areas of sexual violence and harassment against women, the danger women face from cultural, tribal and traditional practices, human trafficking including forced labor, sex slavery, and domestic servitude.

Women generally feel frightened while going alone outside of the home. Personal safety of women has been the topic of importance for every Indian citizen. In order to improve the condition regarding women safety, the following points must be considered.

Tips Regarding Women Safety

  • Self-defense techniques are the first and foremost thing to which each and every woman must be aware of and get proper self-defense training for their safety. They must be aware of some effective defense techniques such as kicks to the groin, blocking punches, etc.
  • Generally, most of the women are gifted with a sixth sense which they must use whenever they become in some problem. They should at once avoid any situation which they feel bad for them.
  • Escape and run is also a good way to reduce some risks of women whenever they are in a problem. They should never go with an unknown person alone at some unknown places.
  • Women must understand and feel their physical power and use accordingly. They should never feel weak than men and take some self-defense training.
  • Although the Internet is educational and entertaining, it can also be full of danger if one isn’t careful. When communicating online, use a nickname and always keep personal information such as home address and phone number confidential. Instruct family members to do the same. Keep current on security issues, frauds, viruses, etc. by periodically referring to Internet safety page.
  • Pepper spray can also be proved as a useful self-defense tool. However, it has a drawback that some people cannot be harmed through it even after full-face spray. It may not stop the attacker so, women should not depend on it completely and use other techniques also.
  • They must have all the emergency numbers with them so, that they can immediately contact their family members and police.
  • Women should be very conscious while driving the car. Lock all doors and keep windows up when driving. Most car-jacking take place when vehicles are stopped at intersections. The criminals approach at a 45-degree angle (in the blind spot), and either pull you out of the driver’s seat or jump in the passenger’s seat.
  • Violent crimes against women happen in the best and worst hotels around the world. Predators may play the part of a hotel employee, push their way through an open or unlocked door, or obtain a passkey to the room. As with home safety, never open your door unless you are certain the person on the other side is legitimate, and always carry a door wedge with you when you travel. A wedge is often stronger than the door it secures.

Women safety is a big social issue which needs to be solved urgently by the effort of all. It is inhibiting the growth and development of the country and most importantly hurting the half population of the country in all aspects (physically, mentally, and socially).

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