Seeing a Heart Attacked? Act Fast!

  • 14 months ago
2 minute read.
Seeing a Heart Attacked? Act Fast!

The number of heart attacks is increasing in our country each day. As most of us don't act quickly in the given situation, we end up losing our loved ones. Consider our own families, how prepared are we? Most of us are around parents, old grandparents and might be with even over stressed friends and colleagues. Heart attacks can hit anybody at any time. Are we prepared to act fast and save a valuable life from a massive attack?? By seeing their physical changes, would you be able to recognize that it can be an attack and act quickly? Let me share some basic information on identifying the symptoms of a heart attack and what measures have to be taken:

Know the symptoms:
• Chest pain and discomfort
• Shortness of breath
• Sudden breakout with a cold sweat
• Feeling dizzy and unusually tired
• Nausea and vomiting

You should be very alert in identifying these symptoms especially if you know that the person is a known case of MI (Myocardial Infarction/Heart attack), Diabetes, Hypertension, High cholesterol or Obesity.

Quick action can save a life:
If you find that the symptoms are that of a heart attack, calm down and don't panic. Act fast during the first hour of attack. It can prevent permanent damage to the heart and could save a life.

• Call an ambulance immediately

• If you know that the person is not allergic to aspirin, then ask the person to chew a tablet of aspirin or crush the tablet and give it. (Aspirin is a must in every house with elderly people around). Giving aspirin to a patient under an attack can give 20-30% additional time to save a life).

• In case you do not know the person's medical background, then check with an ‘Emergency Medical Personnel' on what precautions should be taken before you reach the hospital.

Action before attack sets in:
• Check with the healthcare provider for the risk of a heart attack. Also, learn what dosage of aspirin can be given on experiencing the symptoms of a heart attack.

• Keep all the health records and prescription list handy and easily accessible at the time of emergency.

• Keep emergency contact numbers saved.

‘Don't take a chance with the symptoms of a heart attack. Your quick action can save a life.'

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