The Joy of Missing Out

  • 31 months ago
2 minute read.
The Joy of Missing Out

Long before FOMO took over our lives, there was a happier time, a simpler time, when people did not have social media or cell phones. Weekends would mean some good old family time, dinners, relaxation, and peace. We could tune out to enjoy some solitude. That was JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) and now it’s making a big comeback.

JOMO, the antidote to FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), can be described as finding happiness in where and who you are in that moment; not in wishing you were somewhere else instead.

It may not be easy to start practicing JOMO right away, but you can try incorporating these small changes:

Do Some Digital Spring Cleaning

Delete pages, blogs, and social media friends who you feel aren’t necessary in your life. Start with your social media account(s). It is not important to be friends with that random stranger you met onboard a 2-hour flight headed to a place you cannot even recollect now! You don’t have to follow the lives of hundreds of people, just the few that matter.

Stay Off Social Media

Social media is probably the #1 cause of FOMO. Switch off for a few hours a day. It’s amazing how much more focused you become on ‘you’ when there aren’t hundreds of others to robotically check up on! Find the JOMO and be present in the moments that matter to you- offline of course.

Take Some Time Out for Yourself

What better way to revel in the joy of missing out than treating yourself to a much-needed indulgence? That spa day that you have been craving awaits you. Or, simply watch your favorite TV show or catch that movie you wanted to see, but never got the time for.

Create Your Own Fun

Start a community, offline, with like-minded people. Join a club and opt for group activities like hiking or camping during the weekends. If there aren’t any interesting ones in your area, create an event by collaborating with friends or colleagues. Enjoy yourself!

Make Peace with Yourself

Lastly, start by asking yourself some fairly basic questions about your life and how you can rediscover its meaning. You just might surprise yourself.

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