Workout Guide
Start with a 15-minute warm-up of all the joints from head to toe. Do two sets of each exercise, to a count of 20. Initially, do this under the supervision of a trainer.
- Neck turns (right and left)
- Chin up and down
- Shoulder shrugs
- Shoulder rotation
- Spine twisting
- Pelvis rotation, clockwise and anti-clockwise
- Knee raises
- Ankle rotation
- Light spine stretching exercises (like ardha matsendra in Yoga)
- 20 minutes of walking/cycling on the treadmill/exercycle
- Circuit training with two exercises each for legs, chest/shoulders/triceps, back and biceps
- Full-body stretching with Yoga (Suryanamaskar is excellent for this)
Cool down with breathing exercises.
What To Do At Office
- Breathing exercises (anulom vilom, deep breathing, kapaalbhati for stress release)
- Stretches (for neck, shoulders and back) while sitting
- Ten-minute breaks after every 90 minutes of desk work by going up and down 10 flights of stairs (takes just seven-eight minutes)
- Carry healthy snacks from home, like nuts, seeds (pumpkin, sesame, flax) and fruit instead of tempting yourself with biscuits
Reproduced from Outlook Business's Wellness Column by Rachna Chhachhi