A recent study says that bottled-up emotions can be one of the causes for aggression. Most common causes have been found to be alcohol abuse, depression, mood swings, frustration, pre-menstrual syndrome, and stress.
Aggression can manifest in physical bad behavior or verbal abuse. Â Name calling, shouting, nasty remarks, beating are signs of aggressive behavior.
Here are a few tips to control your aggresive behaviour:
- To overcome aggressive behavior learn to control your temper.
- Explore and analyse underlying feelings of hurt, anger or fear.
- Practice yoga, pranayam or meditation.
- Minimise expectations because failure to meet them can also make you frustrated and lead to aggression.
- Be content with what you achieve, unless you are ambitious and want to conquer the world!
- Find constructive ways to vent your anger rather than bottling it up.
- Be empathetic towards your family and colleagues.
- Choose to be assertive instead of aggressive.
- Involve yourself in social service in your spare time.
- Accept changes around you.
If none of the above work, meet a psychologist or an emotional counselor to resolve your aggression problem.