ARFID: An Eating Disorder Related Trauma And Stress

  • 17 months ago
4 minute read.
ARFID: An Eating Disorder Related Trauma And Stress

Food carries emotional and psychological significance. Our relationship with food is complex, influenced by various factors. Trauma can cause a lack of appetite and emotional numbness. Selective eating disorder, like ARFID, is connected to these dynamics.

Imagine a scenario where an individual's plate becomes a battleground, filled with landmines of anxiety and disgust. The mere thought of certain tastes, textures, smells, or appearances of food can evoke paralyzing fear, making eating an overwhelming endeavor. It is the harsh reality faced by those living with ARFID—a disorder that goes beyond the conventional narrative of body dissatisfaction, revealing a profound link to trauma and stress.

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Understanding Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)

ARFID is the avoidance or restriction of specific foods or entire food groups, which results in inadequate nutrient intake and subsequent weight loss or malnutrition. Unlike other eating disorders, ARFID is not related to body image or weight. Instead, individuals with ARFID experience extreme anxiety or disgust associated with some tastes, textures, smells, or appearances of food, making it challenging for them to consume a varied and balanced diet.

Must check: Effects of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) on diet And eating habits

Causes of ARFID

ARFID is a complex eating disorder characterized by a persistent avoidance or restriction of food intake that results in significant weight loss, nutritional deficiencies, and impaired psychosocial functioning. While the exact causes of ARFID are not fully understood, several factors are believed to contribute to its development. These factors include:

  1. Sensory sensitivity: Some individuals with ARFID may have heightened sensitivity to the taste, texture, smell, or appearance of certain foods. This sensitivity can lead to a strong aversion and avoidance of specific food types.
  2. Negative experiences: Traumatic or negative experiences related to food, such as choking, vomiting, or a severe illness, can create fear or anxiety surrounding eating.
  3. Anxiety and fear: ARFID patients frequently have anxiety issues. Fear of choking, vomiting, or feeling other unpleasant physical sensations when eating may lead to avoidance behaviors and decreased food intake.
  4. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): There is a higher prevalence of ARFID among individuals with ADHD. Challenges with impulsivity, sensory processing, and executive functioning may contribute to restrictive eating patterns.


  1. Severe weight loss
  2. Lack of appetite
  3. Abnormal menstrual periods
  4. Stomach cramps and pain
  5. Constipation
  6. Trouble concentrating
  7. Low iron or thyroid levels
  8. Dizziness or fainting
  9. Dry hair, skin, and nails
  10. Weakened immune system

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Research has shown that individuals with ARFID often have a history of trauma or stress, which can contribute to the development and maintenance of this disorder. Traumatic experiences, such as physical or mental abuse, neglect, or a life-threatening event, can affect a person's connection with food and eating. In some cases, ARFID may serve as a coping mechanism, providing a sense of control and safety in a world that feels unpredictable and overwhelming.

Stress, whether acute or chronic, can also play a significant role in the development of ARFID. High levels of stress can trigger heightened anxiety and impair one's ability to eat normally. Stressors such as school pressure, work-related demands, or interpersonal conflicts can lead to a loss of appetite or an increased preference for familiar, safe foods, further exacerbating the restrictive eating patterns associated with ARFID.

ARFID in people with stress and trauma

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of ARFID in individuals who have suffered trauma or stress is critical for early intervention and treatment. Severe food aversions, limited meal options, increased sensitivity to specific textures or scents, sluggish or inadequate weight gain in youngsters, and nutritional deficits are all common signs. It is important to note that not everyone who experiences trauma or stress will develop ARFID, but understanding the potential link can aid healthcare professionals in making accurate diagnoses and providing appropriate support.

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Addressing ARFID and trauma/ stress

Treating ARFID in individuals with trauma or stress requires a comprehensive approach that acknowledges the underlying psychological factors contributing to the disorder. Therapy modalities such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, and trauma-focused therapy can help individuals gradually expand their food preferences, challenge anxious thoughts and beliefs around food, and address any unresolved trauma. Collaborating with a registered dietitian can also ensure that nutritional needs are met throughout the recovery process.

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ARFID, an eating disorder characterized by the avoidance/ restriction of certain foods, can be closely linked to signs of trauma and stress. Recognizing this connection is essential for effective identification and treatment. By addressing both the psychological aspects related to trauma and stress and the specific challenges associated with ARFID, individuals can find ways to have a healthier relationship with food and ultimately improve their overall well-being. Increased awareness, research, and support are crucial in helping those affected by ARFID navigate their recovery journey successfully.

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