Best Green Teas for Weight Loss And Reduced Belly

  • 38 months ago
4 minute read.
Best Green Teas for Weight Loss And Reduced Belly

Green tea has become widely popular in the past few years. And why shouldn't it be? After all, Green tea offers numerous benefits. Promoting weight loss being one of them. But how does green tea help in weight loss, and which green tea product is best in the market for weight loss?

If you have the above questions on your mind, you’ve come to the right place. This article will discuss how green tea helps lose weight, the best green tea for weight loss, and different green tea benefits. So, read in full.

What is Green Tea?

Green tea is just a type of tea that is made from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis. This type of tea doesn’t undergo oxidation and weathering which makes it different from the black and Oolong teas. Originally, green tea originated in China, but now the production of this tea type has spread all across Asia.

What are the Other Benefits of Green Tea?

Reduces Bad Breath

Streptococcus mutans is the bacterium that is known to cause plaque formation and even cavities. It also is the reason behind bad breath. Fortunately, the catechins found in green tea are known to benefit your oral health and reduce bad breath.

Improves Brain Function

Green tea comes with a natural stimulant known as caffeine. This stimulant helps you stay active during the day, enhancing your brain function. Also, the caffeine in green tea is not as strong as it is in coffee, so you won’t experience jittery effects.

Helps Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is mostly characterized by high blood sugar levels, which could be because of two reasons:

  • Inability to produce insulin
  • Insulin Resistance

Fortunately, studies say that green tea might help enhance insulin sensitivity and thus reduce blood sugar levels. Another study on Japanese individuals showed a 42% less risk of diabetes in people who consumed green tea.

Relieves Cardiovascular Diseases

Heart diseases are a common reason for deaths here in India and across the world. However, continued long-term consumption of green tea helps reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases. Also,

Green tea consumption in the long term might help you prevent cancer.

Best Green Teas in the Market

Here are some of the most reliable green tea for belly fat reduction or weight loss:

  • Japanese Ceremonial Matcha Green Tea
  • Organic India Classic Tulsi Green Tea
  • Tetley Green Tea
  • Only Leaf Green Tea
  • Lipton Honey Lemon Green Tea

You can choose any of the above mentioned products as all of them offer the promised benefits.

Diet Plan

How Green Tea Helps Lose Weight?

As you may know, Green tea comes with abundant quantities of catechins and caffeine (but not as much as it is in coffee, already mentioned above). The catechins help boost metabolism and burn fat, while the caffeine helps promote exercise performance, which in turn, leads to weight loss.

Furthermore, green tea has zero calories. So, consuming green tea 2 or 3 times a day will not lead to any weight gain. What’s more, green tea comes with L-theannine  which helps reduce stress and calms your brain. This also plays an important role in helping you lose some weight.

What’s the Right Time to Consume Green Tea?

You can consume green tea at any time of the day except before sleeping. However, consuming green tea before you start the workout session is quite beneficial. Also, you can replace the morning coffee with a cup of green tea for the best effects.

How Much Green Tea is Good for Weight Loss?

A perfect number of cups or quantity of green tea for weight loss doesn’t exist but, at the same time excess consumption of green tea may have adverse effects. However, 2-3 cups of hot green tea might be good enough to help you lose weight.

But make sure to consume this much green tea each day. Also, make sure to purchase a green tea product that is the least processed. It’s because unprocessed or slightly processed green tea packs the highest amount of nutrient content.

So, put in some decent research before choosing a green tea product.

Green Tea Recipe for Weight Loss

Most of the people prefer green tea in a traditional way, generally hot-brewed green tea. Did you know that you can have delicious Iced Green Tea Lemonade for a change! Here’s a basic yet effective green tea recipe for weight loss:

Iced Green Tea Lemonade

This green tea recipe can help you feel fresh, deal with diabetes and promote weight loss. Here’s what you need:

  • 1 Green Tea Bag
  • ½ Cup of Boiling Water
  • 1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice
  • 1 Cup of Cold Water
  • Ice


  1. Take a cup of boiling water to prepare concentrate for green tea lemonade.
  2. Add 1 green tea bag to water and let it brew for 3 minutes.
  3. Take out the tea bag and squeeze it take out any excess liquid.
  4. Add lemon juice to the tea, and then add cold water and stir well.
  5. To prepare lemonade, add ice in 1-2 glasses.
  6. Pour the prepared green tea lemonade concentrate over the ice.
  7. Garnish it with milt leaves and lemon and enjoy.

Please Note. You can modify the green tea flavor by adding some honey.

If you are interested in more recipes verified and curated by experts, drop a comment below.

Wrapping Up

Green tea is undoubtedly a benefit-rich beverage that is easy to prepare. So, purchase a pack of green tea from the options given above and enjoy multiple benefits such as weight loss, better metabolism, and overall good health.

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