Saffron in Pregnancy: Does it Ensure a Fair-Complexioned Baby?

  • 47 months ago
3 minute read.
Saffron in Pregnancy: Does it Ensure a Fair-Complexioned Baby?

This is a very common tip suggested for pregnant women across India by the old ladies in the family to get a "fair-complexioned baby". According to studies, many pregnant women do follow this traditional saffron practice religiously to give birth to a fair-complexioned baby with pink lips and twinkling eyes!

Do you think that it works?? Let us put things into perspective. If this miracle drink worked irrespective of which part of the world you were born in, if you were drinking this magic potion, all of us would be fair-complexioned!

Moment of Truth

The fact is that there is no evidence to support that saffron consumption with milk leads to a fair-complexioned baby! The complexion of the baby purely depends on the maternal and paternal genes and not on any particular food. But, indeed following a healthy diet and lifestyle will help you give birth to a healthy baby!

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Benefits of Taking Saffron in Pregnancy

Saffron is an exotic herb known for its golden yellow color, taste, and aroma. Let's explore its benefits during pregnancy-

  • Regulates blood pressure and reduces mood swings

Apart from purifying blood, saffron aids in controlling blood pressure and also helps to control mood swings in pregnant women.

  • Aids indigestion

Saffron cures most of the digestive problems in pregnant women like acidity, indigestion, and regurgitation. It is one of the reasons why pregnant women are sometimes asked to include saffron with milk from their fifth month onwards when digestion problems in pregnant women are alleviated.

  • Boosts immunity and regulates body temperature

Moderate intake of saffron keeps body temperature in check ensuring warmth for the growing baby. Saffron is also known to boost immunity.

  • Prevents hair fall

There is a regular fluctuation of hormones during pregnancy that causes hair fall issues among many women which can be treated by saffron.

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A glass of milk with 1-2 saffron filaments (Kesar milk) daily from your fifth month of pregnancy is a good source of calcium and protein and also helps you in better digestion. To make Kesar milk, simply put the filaments in warm milk, mix them and drink it after 5-10 minutes. However, pregnant women are advised to take it in diluted form, making sure it is under the recommended amount, as excess can lead to uterine contractions. So, include saffron wisely and moderately in your diet.

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When to Avoid Saffron?

According to Ayurveda, pregnant women should avoid taking saffron during the first trimester. The best time to consume saffron is after the 4th month when the baby starts moving.

Some women may experience the following symptoms after consuming saffron-

  • Nausea
  • Anxiety
  • Dry mouth
  • Nose bleeding
  • Numb lips

In such a case, it should not be consumed further as it is a sign that your body is sensitive to it.

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Adulterated Saffron or Pure Saffron?

As saffron has always been in high demand, you may end up buying adulterated saffron at the price of pure saffron. Always buy from a reliable source and check for its purity by immersing a filament of saffron in a small cup of lukewarm water or lukewarm milk. If the product expels color immediately, that means it is adulterated. But, if the color and the aroma are released slowly, it is a genuine product.

Bottom Line

There is no evidence of improvement in skin color through saffron but it definitely improves the skin texture and promotes skin health. Though, it is globally being followed by a lot of women, you should know, it is still a myth!

Ultimately, it is the baby's health that matters and not the complexion! If you or anyone around you is pregnant, The Wellness Corner will help you sail through your pregnancy happily. Join TWC’s Pregnancy Care Program, a 43-week program from happy pregnancy to happy motherhood.

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