Experiencing Constant Wrist Pain? Know What's Going On.

  • 29 months ago
2 minute read.
Experiencing Constant Wrist Pain? Know What's Going On.

Carpal tunnel Syndrome is the commonest condition affecting a single nerve or a mononeuropathy.

It commonly affects IT professionals, chefs, and sportsmen. The injuries can be the result of long hours at work that involve hand movement, typing without break, wrong ergonomics,  and driving for longer periods of time possibly.

What Is It Actually?

It's a group of symptoms like numbness, tingling, weak grip, pain, or weakness that may sometimes lead to muscle damage. It is caused in the hands and fingers due to the pressure on the median nerve that is present in the wrist. It is common in people who perform repetitive tasks like typing (on a keyboard or typewriter), sewing, writing, playing games, etc.

It is an inflammation of a nerve known as the Median Nerve which runs through a tunnel in the wrist made up of muscle endings in the wrist. It usually happens due to a decrease in the diameter of the tunnel due to various conditions.

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome affects the hand and wrist.

Related Read: Combat wrist pain in an office job


  • Excessive use of your hand or wrist puts pressure on the nerve.
  • People with diabetes are prone to CTS, which is a common feature of diabetic neuropathy.
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • People who undergo hemodialysis for chronic kidney damage experience a build-up in the hand of a protein called beta 2-microglobulin which may result in CTS.
  • Pregnancy: Since there is a hormonal shift in pregnancy and natural retention of water there is a probability of the development of CTS during pregnancy.
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Trauma: Any severe injury to the wrist may lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.

Symptoms of CTS

  • Pain in the wrist, especially at night
  • Muscle Wasting in the hand
  • Difficulty in movement of the wrist
  • Pinprick sensation in the hand
  • Numbness of the fingers.
  • Loss of Temperature and touch sensation in the fingers

Tests For Diagnosis

  • Neurological Tests
  • Clinical Tests
  • Blood Tests: Hb1AC, T3, T4, TSH, HGH, etc.


  • Splinting
  • Local Steroid Injections
  • Decompression Surgery
  • Physiotherapeutic Rehabilitation
  • Correction of the underlying cause
  • Rest

Useful Tips

  • Use a wrist support/mouse pad while using the system
  • Stretch your wrist every hour to avoid stiffness of joints.
  • Do not keep your wrist on the mouse for a long period of time

Following these tips will help you minimize repetitive stress injuries and severe pain. Practice yoga stretches and asanas every day and access the right yoga routine specially designed for you from our yoga corner on the Wellness TV. In case the pain is keeping you from doing routine chores, consult with a do consult an orthopedic specialist on The Wellness Corner before it affects you in major ways.

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