Discipline Techniques To Suit Your Child's Temperament!

  • 52 months ago
2 minute read.
Discipline Techniques To Suit Your Child's Temperament!

Children need to be taught discipline right from their young age by giving them good moral support and unconditional love to help them develop into happy and confident human beings.

No matter how liberal-minded a parent is, he or she soon realizes that disciplining is a must. As parents, it is important to teach children to develop self-control by way of example. One of the ways by which children learn is by imitating others. Before disciplining a child, make sure that the child really understands what you asked him or her to do.Sometimes parents make demands for behavior that is beyond the child's ability to understand. Here are some tips that can help you bring up your child in a disciplined manner:

• Use the same tone of voice with children as you want people to use with you. Talk respectfully to them and about them.
• Praise and hug your child as often as you can, especially when they co-operate. This encourages them to behave well.
• Be aware of what your child can and cannot do. When your child misbehaves, it may be that they simply cannot do what you are asking or they do not understand what you are asking.
• Once you make a rule or promise, stick to it and be realistic before you speak.
• Don't Give In. If your child throws a temper tantrum and expects you to give in, make sure you don't. If you do give in, you will only be encouraging bad behavior.
• Try to make sure that your rules stay firm every day. Children like to test a parent's limit in different situations. So, make sure you have the rules right!
• Learn from your own mistakes. Do not regret if you are unable to handle a different situation for the first time. Think what you can do next. Wait to cool down, apologize to your child if needed, and explain how you will handle the situation in the future. This gives your child a good model of how to recover from mistakes.
• When it's done, it's done. After the consequence is over or the time has been served, don't ask for apologies or continue to lecture about the behavior. Help your child return to an appropriate activity by encouraging them.

There may be times when you don't know what to do to help your child learn appropriate behavior even if you have the best parenting style. Developing skills for positive discipline takes a lot of practice, patience and time. So, give yourself a break! There are several experts to help you deal with these issues. Seek the right help when it is necessary!

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