Can Chocolate-Binging Cause You Acne Trouble?

  • 27 months ago
2 minute read.
Can Chocolate-Binging Cause You Acne Trouble?

Most people believe that eating chocolates causes acne.  Is this true?  NO! Acne is nothing but a skin problem which normally occur in teenagers (Though it can happen at any age).  It develops due to blockages in the pores and is aggravated by the hormonal changes that a teenager undergoes during his/her age.

A few individuals carry this condition into adulthood too.  Acne may or may not be infected and filled with pus. Even though acne is a minor skin problem, the psychological effects of acne are large. Some youngsters avoid public places only to hide their acne faces.

Must Check: Acne Got You Feeling Down? Ways To Boost Your Self-Esteem

Chocolates, cheese, oily foods and butter have been blamed for acne.  None of this is supported by evidence.  

But as a prevention technique:

Go for complex carbohydrates, fresh fruits and vegetables instead. Drink plenty of water to detoxify your body.

Also Check: Homemade Face Packs To Fight Acne - The Wellness Corner

Eating Right For Acne

If you want clear skin, then it is important to eat the right foods. Foods that reduce acne and scars and improve your skin health. They can help maintain healthy oil production and reduce inflammation which is the main cause of acne breakouts. There are plenty of foods to reduce acne and scarring on your skin, some may surprise you! Eggs, avocados, oatmeal, and nuts are all a great start to your diet plan for skin care. Not only will they keep you feeling fuller longer but they have shown great success in fighting acne outbreaks.

Diet Plan

Things Not To Do If You Are Suffering From Acne

  1. Over wash your face with strong soap or cleaners This can dry up your skin and take away all the natural oily protection in your skin.
  2. Keep your hands on your face. Touching your face, scratching, or pricking your cheek or chin can spread bacteria and irritate the already inflamed facial skin.
  3. Go to bed with makeup on. It can clog your pores and lead to breakouts.
  4. Go out in the sun often. The sun's ultraviolet rays can increase inflammation and redness. Further, some oral and topical acne medications may increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight.
  5. Worry. Experts believe that one’s emotional state is related to all aspects of health, including skin function. Stress does lead to degeneration and inflammation of your skin.

In A Nutshell

A healthy diet promotes healthy skin and helps to prevent many skin problems.

Whether you have acne or not, it's very important to maintain good skin hygiene, to eat right, to exercise and to get some sunshine on your skin.  Consult a dermatologist (skin specialist) if you have not self-medicate.

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