Father's to be....How To Take Pregnancy As......

  • 57 months ago
1 minute read.
Father's to be....How To Take Pregnancy As......

From the moment you learn of your partner's pregnancy, you may feel you are pushed into a strange new world and made sure you participate in the pregnancy and birth process. Life as a father might seem a little scary, but it surely is a wonderful feeling a man can ever experience. On one hand, what's going on seems totally out of your control and on the other hand, there is such joy in knowing that you played a role in making a new life!

Respect and care the expecting mother as she will be doing all the work and deserves to get all the attention.

Some tips for you:

1.Take up pregnancy classes and go along with your wife.

2.Assist your wife in her exercise classes.

3.Take care of your wife's food and know what she is consuming.

4.You can expect a lot of emotional changes in her; don't worry as it's pretty common.

5.You may not be able to match the mum-to-be level of enthusiasm, but your participation counts - just smile and repaint for the third time.

6.Things will be different in the bedroom, too. The bed you share may seem less cozy as she becomes more uncomfortable and sleeps fitfully, making frequent trips to the bathroom at night. You can help by accommodating her graciously.

7.Remember that smoking inside your home has to stop right away. Secondhand smoke is very bad for the baby.

8.Ask questions to the doctor when you go along with your wife so that you show that you are very much interested.

9.Sex during pregnancy is a common concern for any new father's to be, you can talk to your doctor about it as special care has to be taken during her pregnancy.

10.You may see her body change drastically, get ready to encourage and love her like that.

Father to be, this is a great occasion, enjoy every moment as it comes.

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