Passionate Pursuits: How to Keep Up with Your Hobbies When You Get Busy

  • 31 months ago
6 minute read.
Passionate Pursuits: How to Keep Up with Your Hobbies When You Get Busy

There are so many things that you are passionate about - photography, cooking, knitting - that it can be hard to find time to pursue them all. You have so many different interests and hobbies, but it's easy to let your passions fall by the wayside as life gets busy. So, how do you keep up with your hobbies when you get busy? How do you make sure that you still follow your passion?

First, let's define passion. How often have you said I need to follow my passion? Or maybe you've seen others express similar sentiments. But what does that mean? How do you find your passion? And more importantly, how do you keep up with it when your work and family life gets crazy? This article will talk about ways to pursue your passions even when you get too busy to do so!

These six steps will help you ensure that you don't let your hobbies fall by the wayside even when life gets busy.

Importance of hobbies

Maintaining hobbies helps us feel good and keep our minds engaged, something that's crucial for professional success. But when we're bogged down by work and don't have time for self-care, it can be challenging to find ways to pursue our passions.

Also check: Can hobbies help you lose weight?

Choosing right hobbies

Just because a hobby is your passion, it doesn’t mean it has to be all-consuming.  If you have time for only one activity, focus on making that activity really count by giving it enough time and attention. If you have more than one interest, try to devote equal amounts of time and energy to each one so you don’t neglect any of them. It may take some trial and error before you find a balance that works for you—but once you do, your hobbies will be something you can enjoy for years to come!

Here are some tips for how you can get started, focus on what matters most and make sure you don’t lose track of your other priorities along the way.

#1. Commitment

Self-care is a difficult thing for many people. There are so many distractions and things that take our time and energy, which leads us to put other pursuits on hold. However, time management is critical in keeping up with hobbies. Schedule your hobbies into your week by making time every week or even daily, if needed. Start small and work your way up from there. If you get too busy, remember how important self-care is!

Emotional Counseling

Take time off from what you're doing and try again later, once life has settled down. Remember: It doesn't matter how much time you spend on something—it matters that you do it because it brings joy to your life!

#2. See Where You're Wasting Time

Many people have no idea how much time they spend each day on things like social media or going out to eat. It's not until we start tracking our habits that we realize what we could be doing differently. Tracking your time spent on interests and hobbies over a week can help you see where you're wasting time and can be better organized. Here are some tips for keeping track of your interests and hobbies.

1. Use time-tracking apps to record how much time you spend on each interest or hobby.

2. Make a list of all your interests and hobbies, including those related to work and those that aren't (e.g., cleaning the house).

3. Write down how much time you spend on each interest and hobby. This will include time spent socializing, going out to eat, shopping, etc. The more detailed your list is, the better idea you'll have of where your time is being spent.

4. Look for patterns in your interests and hobbies: Do you spend a lot of time in one interest or hobby? Are there any areas that are notably lacking?

5. Use what you've learned about your time-management skills to adjust accordingly. For example, if you spend too much time socializing, then cut back on going out to eat or limit your time spent on social media. Or, if there's an area where you don't have enough time, such as cleaning the house, then make it a priority so that it doesn't fall by the wayside entirely.

#3. Follow your passion

There's no one way to follow your passion, but here are some steps you can take:

1. Connect: The best way is to connect directly with other people who share your interests. If you love photography, for example, reach out and see if there are any local or online photography communities where you can hang out.

2. Don't expect immediate success: If you're starting, don't expect immediate success—you may have to spend some time just getting used to your new activity and developing a portfolio before anyone notices you. But if you love what you do, it will be worth it!

3. Don't give up: It can take time for hobbies to become passions, but you won't want to stop once they do!

4. Find a way to make money from your passion: If your hobby is something that other people would pay for (like a photographer or graphic designer), you might be able to turn it into a source of income and an enjoyable activity.

Also check: Following a creative passion for work-life balance

#4. Do your in-between-time work for you

Planning your time around in-between times can help you make time for hobbies. For example, if you enjoy running, but don't have a lot of free time during work hours, run at lunchtime or after work; if you like hiking on weekends, plan a hike for Saturday morning before work; and if you enjoy painting or drawing on Sundays, schedule it as part of your weekend routine.

These activities keep your passions alive when life gets busy—they'll also give you a chance to relax and recharge throughout the week. Your passion doesn't need to take up every second of your time—and shouldn't! Time management is key, and sometimes that means saying no to an opportunity so you can better nurture other areas of your life.

Remember: passion isn't always about big things (though those are important). It's about being active in what you love every day, even carving out 15 minutes here or there.

#5. Prioritizing & Rewarding

Keep rewarding yourself for a job well done. Then, find ways to make time for hobbies in your busy schedule. If you have a passion that can't wait, follow it, even if you have to drop everything else. There will always be time later. Many successful people attribute their success to prioritizing and focusing on what matters most. It's okay to say no when something is not aligned with your passions or doesn't contribute positively to your life. And, don't feel guilty about taking time for yourself. After all, you deserve it!

P.S- If you find yourself in the spot where you can't really figure out your hobbies, invest in learning a new skill that could become your hobby eg. wanting to learn piano, music, etc.

#6 Time management

Make time for what matters. In today’s world, it’s hard not to get lost in a sea of distractions—one of them might be your passion. But how do you stay on track and follow your interests? The key is managing your time wisely so that you actually get more done. If you don’t have enough hours in a day, try prioritizing tasks by importance. Set aside some free time to pursue your hobbies. Finally, set goals so that you can measure progress toward your ultimate goal(s).


In the modern world, it's easy to become overwhelmed. We get stressed by our jobs, over-extended in our personal lives, and go through life in a hurry. So how do we learn how to follow our passion when we are so busy? Here are a few ways you can start down that path. Try one or all of them. You will find yourself happier and more fulfilled in your day-to-day life if you make time for things that bring you joy. And isn't that what life is all about? Make sure that you enjoy each day as much as possible. Follow your passions, and don't let anything hold you back!

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