Effective communication leads to strong human relations, which is vital to success in both your personal and professional life.
Here are the four pillars of effective communication:
- Written words: It is perhaps the most challenging way to communicate. The clarity of this form of communication depends on the effectiveness of the writer and the understanding of the reader. Avoid using words or phrases that can be misinterpreted, and do your best to make them completely clear.
- Spoken word: Your spoken words play a large part in the relationships you build with the people around you. Choose your words carefully with proper voice tones; you don't want to use words that are too strong or inappropriate for your audience.
- Listening: How you listen to a person is a big part of the human relations balance. Pay attention to both content and vocal inflections for a better understanding of the speaker.
- Body language: From posture to handshake to eye contact, your body language affects your relationships with your family, friends, and colleagues. Good posture conveys confidence; slouching conveys a lack of confidence. Eye contact, or lack thereof, can be a sign of intent or a hint of a lie.