Gastritis During Pregnancy: Causes, Foods to Avoid and Ways to Get Rid of It

  • 40 months ago
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Gastritis During Pregnancy: Causes, Foods to Avoid and Ways to Get Rid of It

Going through a beautiful yet uncomfortable phase of pregnancy? Or just here for the sake of information. Both ways, you must know that positive attitude along with a healthy diet and a few exercises regularly will ease the process. Although it is completely normal to have a little gas along with bloating during pregnancy, let's talk about it more and know how to get rid of gastritis during pregnancy?

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Why Does Pregnancy Cause Gas and Bloating?

There are various factors responsible for causing the problem in different stages of pregnancy with the rising progesterone levels being a principal cause.

Causes of Gas Problem in Pregnancy

The pregnancy hormones relax all the smooth muscles in your body, including the gastrointestinal tract, slowing down the digestive process. As a result, the food stays in the digestive tract for a longer time during pregnancy, making you feel bloated and gassy, especially after eating.

Causes of Gastritis during Pregnancy Later Stages

The growing uterus putting pressure on your digestive tract further slows down the digestion process, causing bloating in the second and third trimesters. Indigestion and constipation are major risk factors for gas, belching and flatulence.

When to See A Doctor?

The good news is gas and bloating does not affect the baby. But if you’re experiencing severe nausea, excessive vomiting or bloody stools contact your doctor.

Foods Likely to Cause Gas Problem in Pregnancy

#1 Vegetables Containing The Sugar Raffinose:

Some vegetables can do body overall good, they are healthy but they aren’t easy on the stomach due their insoluble nature and complex carbohydrates present in them.

  • Beans
  • Cauliflower
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Asparagus

#2 Starchy, Gluten-Rich and Fiber-Rich Foods:

Foods rich in fiber are usually broken down in the large intestine, which means they take longer to digest in pregnancy.

  • Potatoes
  • Pasta
  • Oat Bran
  • White rice
  • Bread
  • High fiber fruits (e.g. raspberries, bananas, apples, pears etc.)

#3 Fried Fatty Or Greasy Items, Junk Food and Fried Food

Fried and greasy food take a longer time to break down and digest than other food. Naturally, it takes even longer to complete the digestion of such foods when pregnant, making it more likely for you to develop gas and bloating.

How to Get Rid of Gas During Pregnancy

  • Drink plenty of water to keep your system clean
  • Avoid the above-mentioned foods and drinks
  • Avoid smoking
  • Eat multiple small meals instead of three large ones so you never get stuffed with food
  • Avoid using a straw when drinking
  • Eat slowly, chewing properly, avoid gulping your foods and drink
  • Avoid talking while chewing
  • Wear comfortable loose clothes to avoid putting any extra pressure on the abdomen
  • Keep a diet journal to find out which foods are more likely to cause indigestion and gas so you can avoid them in the future
  • Avoid having something cold right after eating or drinking something hot as it can lead to excess gas production due to the rapid change in your stomach temperature
  • Practice relaxation techniques and yoga for stress release
  • Follow a light exercise routine (e.g. a short walk after meals) to better your digestion
  • Keep your legs elevated when sitting or lying down after meals as this helps with the digestion process, reducing the pressure of the uterus on your intestines

Abdominal pain during pregnancy can be painful and can affect chest, back and belly areas as well. Yes, it can be because of gas formation and can be treated by having small and increasing water intake. If you have been consuming excess fried food, it is time to moderate it’s quantity because that can be a major cause of experiencing such issues. But if the level of pain increases, do not ignore it. It might be due to other serious reasons too. In such a case, you are requested to consult a doctor and seek medical help as soon as possible.

Take away

Digestive issues, gas and abdomen pain are common during pregnancy but ignoring the intensity of the pain can lead to serious risks. Avoid what could make it worse and adopt healthy habits like following a light exercising routine and practicing relaxation techniques. Focus on what your body and the baby needs, eat the right nutritious food because you would not be eating for yourself but two. Last but not the least, please consult a doctor if things don’t seem in your control.


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