Health basics for Men

  • 57 months ago
3 minute read.
Health basics for Men

While the life-expectancy gap between men and women has decreased, it's no secret that men still need to pay more attention to their bodies. Several things work against men. They tend to smoke and drink more than women. They don't seek medical help as often as women. Some men define themselves by their work, which can add to their stress.

There are also health conditions that only affect men, such as prostate cancer and low testosterone. Many of the major health risks that men face- like colon cancer or heart disease can be prevented and treated with early diagnosis. Screening tests can find diseases early, when they are easier to treat. It's important to have regular checkups and screenings.

Tips for a safe and healthy life:

1. Watch What You Eat

The foods you eat impact your body in many ways. A healthy diet helps keep the body functioning at its best and can improve your mood. For example, omega-3 fatty acids are great for the heart, brain and skin plus they help reduce stress. Fruit is another healthy choice that can lift your spirits, probably because many types of fruit contain vitamin C which can help improve your mood.

2. Pay Attention to How You Eat

It’s not just what you eat that’s important—how you eat can also impact health. For example, slicing food thinly can make the same portion seem like more food so you trick yourself into eating less. Chewing whole foods also helps increase satiety and reduce calorie intake. Swapping a glass of fruit juice for a piece of whole fruit is one way to increase chewing.

Pairing certain foods can also be beneficial. The acid in vinegar helps prevent spikes in blood sugar by interfering with the enzymes that break down carbohydrates. Adding a slice of lemon to your tea can boost the antioxidant levels.

3. pend Time with Friends

Strengthening relationships with good friends is a great way to relax and improve your mood. Go fishing, hiking, out for a bite to eat or to a movie with a friend. Stay open to conversations about challenges which can deepen your friendship.

4. Workout Regularly

Exercise is great for your body and mind. Staying active can help you maintain a healthy body weight, strengthen heart health and build muscle tone, among other benefits. It also provides a mood-enhancing boost that can lift your spirits.

5. Set Your Sleep Cycle

A good night’s sleep is important to help you feel and function at your best. Help maintain a healthy sleep cycle by exposing yourself to bright light early in the morning. Drink your morning cup of coffee by a sunny window or turn on bright daylight bulbs.

6. Check Out Workplace Programs

Find out if your workplace offers wellness or coaching programs. If so, take advantage of these resources to help develop your mind and body.

7. Exercise Your Ears

Try using music to fine-tune your ears. Turn down the volume to a level that allows you to carry on a normal conversation, then practice focusing on a single instrument. This can help train your ears to perceive more details in sound.

8. Savor the Little Things

Pay attention to pleasing sights, smells and sounds throughout the day and take a moment to savor them. Building short-term positive emotions can change your outlook and lead to greater happiness.

9. Practice Mindful Breathing

Learning and practicing techniques for mindful breathing help reduce negative thoughts and promote relaxation. Try building up to 10 minutes of mindful breathing each day.

10. Take a Walk

Getting outside is a great mood booster. Restore and refresh your mind by taking a walk in nature; it’s great for your mental state and your body.

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