Healthy Fluids For Recovering From Covid-19 Symptoms

  • 35 months ago
4 minute read.
Healthy Fluids For Recovering From Covid-19 Symptoms

Covid-19 recovery can be difficult without the right nutrients, especially if you’re too sick to get out of bed. A hospital stay can be an intimidating experience even when you’re feeling well, but staying hydrated and getting your nutrition up as soon as possible will make it much easier to get back on your feet after leaving the hospital or clinic.

In order to properly recover from COVID-19, you must increase your fluid intake as much as possible. The human body is made up of nearly 60% water, so increasing fluids to rehydrate your body will help improve the strength of your immune system and even lessen the chances of another virus in the future. To best manage your recovery from COVID-19, follow these tips for healthy fluids for recovering from COVID-19 symptoms.

Drink Vitamin-C Rich Juice to Strengthen Immunity

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin found in many fruits and vegetables that play an important role in cell growth. It strengthens immunity by helping your body fight off invading viruses and bacteria, and it increases hydration to keep your organs functioning properly.

You can get your daily dose of Vitamin C through citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, kiwis; green peppers; leafy greens such as spinach; tomatoes; broccoli; strawberries; mangoes; cantaloupe; kiwi fruits, etc.

Drinking the juice of these fruits will help you meet your daily intake. However, if you don’t like eating fresh fruits and veggies every day, you can also consider taking supplements after consultation from experts. If you do decide to take Vitamin C supplements, make sure that they are not packed with artificial sugars (sucrose) because large doses may lead to stomach cramps and diarrhea.

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Try Chicken Soup

Did you know a bowl of chicken soup is often used as a home remedy for colds and flu? Aside from providing a protein boost and warm comfort, studies have found that drinking chicken soup may actually help to heal a sore throat by loosening mucus, thinning it out, and making it easier to cough up.

Coconut Water

If you’re fighting off COVID-19, coconut water has been found to be a great liquid remedy. Coconut water helps strengthen immunity and replenish vital electrolytes, thanks to its potassium content. It’s also a good source of nutrition—each serving contains about 45 calories, 10% of your daily calcium needs, and 5% of your magnesium needs.

The health benefits of coconut water include relief from hangovers, faster recovery after an illness, better digestion (from having more regular bowel movements), increased energy levels, and even relief from ulcers and colitis.

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Make a healthy smoothie out of banana, and almond milk

Making a smoothie with these ingredients will make a tasty, nutritious drink that will help you get through your recovery as quickly as possible. The more hydration and nutrition you have access to during your recovery, the faster you’ll be able to bounce back! Smoothies are also great because they are easy to transport—take it with you in your car on long commutes. When in doubt about what to eat or drink after being exposed to COVID-19, go for fruits and vegetables; their vitamins will strengthen your immune system and keep it healthy while fighting off any remaining side effects of Covid-19 exposure.

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Hydration and Nutrition essential for health and quality of life

Drink plenty of fluids to increase hydration and nutrition, both of which are crucial to fighting off any illness including COVID-19 symptoms. Drinking 16 ounces of water every two hours is a good way to stay hydrated while also getting nutritional benefits (like electrolytes).

Healthy eating & drinking habits contribute greatly to proper nutrition as well: eat balanced meals composed of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, legumes, and healthy fats. Get enough sleep as well—less than seven hours can leave you feeling fatigued and more likely to get sick. Staying hydrated will help your body recover much faster during its fight against COVID-19 symptoms or other illnesses.

Tips to Stay Hydrated

  • Avoid carbonated beverages and caffeinated drinks like coffee, as they will dehydrate you rather than hydrate you.
  • Try to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that are high in water content; those foods are naturally hydrating!
  • Limit your intake of salt and sugar, since both can cause you to retain water weight – which only slows down your recovery from COVID-19.
  • When you’re sick with a cold or other illness, stay away from energy drinks and alcohol because these substances slows down digestion and impair immune system functioning.
  • If your doctor recommends a prescription medication during your recovery period, be sure to ask if there is a risk of dehydration associated with it (and don’t forget to always check with him or her before taking any herbal remedies).
  • If you’re following a special diet while recovering from an illness like CoVid-19, make sure to include plenty of liquids in your meals.
  • Get plenty of rest while trying to recover from CoVid-19, especially on hot days when extra water loss can occur through sweating, even if you aren’t active outside.
  • Don’t give up too soon! It takes time to rehydrate after suffering from dehydration, so keep drinking liquids over several hours until you feel better.
  • Don’t consume plain juice without diluting it at least 50/50 with water. Juice has natural sugars that won’t help rehydration efforts unless they are diluted first; pure juice also contains less potassium than plain water does.


To help you fully recover, it’s important to stay hydrated and strengthen your immunity by eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables while managing your stress levels. Exercise can also play a big role in helping you beat a cold; it increases blood flow throughout your body and releases endorphins, which can boost both physical and mental health. Staying well-rested is also an essential part of recovery; aim to get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night.

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