Oats For Weight Gain - How To Use Oats For Weight Gain?

  • 39 months ago
10 minute read.
Oats For Weight Gain - How To Use Oats For Weight Gain?

Oats: one of the richest and most important foods in the diet!

Do you usually include oats in your meals? If so, congratulations! Now, if the answer is no, I am sorry to inform you that you are not eating one of the most beneficial foods to your health.

And oats is a grain with benefits long recognized by science, and it is a mistake to think that it is only recommended for bodybuilders. Oats can and should be eaten by everyone.

Popular breakfast for weight lose or weight gain?

Oatmeal or oats are a popular breakfast for people who wish to lose weight. After all, oats are rich in fiber and protein and have limited calories and carbs. However, recently people have started claiming that you can use oats for weight gain too.

Is the above statement true? If yes, how can you use oats for weight gain? Well, if you need answers to your questions, read in full. Along with your answers, you’ll also find the benefits of oatmeal and some possible side effects.

We have prepared this complete guide on oats to let you know all the information about this super food. So, let's discuss the details.

Table of contents

What are oats? What are they made of?

Oats or Avena sativa (scientific name) are grains that can be grown in many types of soil, including the most unstable, where no other type of vegetable grows.

The variant of oats we consume today is a descendant of another type of oat grown in Asia called Red Oats.

This is a cereal grown for many, many years (more than 2 thousand), and passed through several regions of the world. Initially, it was used as a medicine. Now many researched has concluded that dietary Fiber makes oats a food that the body digests more slowly. In addition, it is rich in macronutrients such as protein or carbohydrate, lipids and trace elements like B complex vitamins Vitamin E, iron, phosphorus, calcium manganese, among others.

You can consume it in several ways, such as thin or thick flakes, flour, bran, flavored, or its natural flavor.

Benefits of Oats

See the list with the main benefits of oats and understand why it is a food that should not be eliminated from the diet of people, regardless of whether they are bodybuilders or not.

  • Helps regulate cholesterol;
  • Prevents heart disease;
  • Helps in bone health;
  • Regulates the release of glucose into the blood;
  • Helps regulate bowel function;
  • Helps in the work of the thyroid gland;
  • Helps control appetite;
  • Improves the appearance of the skin;
  • Anti-inflammatory action;
  • Helps with muscle hypertrophy;
  • Helps in weight loss;
  • Prevents urinary crises.

As we said, oats are food that anyone can eat (with the exception of some contraindications), but a bodybuilder can take advantage of it. You'll see it coming sections.

What makes oat/oatmeal so healthy?

Oats are whole grains that aren’t processed. However, oatmeal is the most processed form of oats. The oatmeal can be cooked easily and almost instantly. Oats are healthy because:

1.  Highly Nutritious

Oats contain a good amount of protein, carbs, and fiber. In fact, oats have more fats and protein as compared to the other grains. Along with proteins, fibers, and carbs, oats have:

  • Vitamin B5
  • Vitamin B1
  • Folate
  • Copper
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Manganese
  • Zinc
  • Iron

So, all the nutrients your body needs for the day come in a half cup of oats.

2. Rich in Antioxidants

Oats have unique types of antioxidants known as avenanthramides. Avenanthramides can help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow. Also, avenanthramides come with anti-itching and anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Rich in Beta-glucan

Oats are quite rich in a soluble fiber known as beta-glucan. This beta-glucan brings along several benefits such as:

  • Increased Feeling of fullness.
  • Better growth of bacteria (good) in your digestive tract.
  • Reduced overall cholesterol levels.
  • Reduced insulin and blood sugar response

4. Fiber-rich outer layer

Constipation is a common condition/issue in older adults. Often laxatives are used to relieve this issue. However, according to studies, oat bran has a fiber-rich outer layer that might help relieve constipation in adults (older).

Now, it’s pretty clear that oats are quite beneficial for our health. But is oats good for weight gain? Read along to find out.

Do oats help in weight gain?

The answer is simple. Yes, oats/oatmeal help both in losing and gaining weight. How you prepare them is what makes the difference.

For instance, if you consume water, fruits, or minimal calories/sugar along with oats, you’ll lose weight. However, if you consume peanut butter, chocolate chips, or other calorie-rich food with oats, you’ll gain weight. And along with weight, you’ll also develop muscles because of the protein content.

So, yes, you can gain weight by consuming oats.

How do oats help in weight gain?

Oatmeal contains vegetable protein. This element is necessary to gain weight without any serious side effects.

One of the most recommended foods for bodybuilders is oats, especially with breakfast and dinner at the end of the day (the last meal of the day).

This is because it is a source of carbohydrates that produce energy for a long time, as oats take time to digest. And because it takes time to digest and generates a lot of energy, it is perfect for the first meal when you need food that can give you energy throughout the day, and for the last meal when you are 8 hours without food.

In addition, it is a protein source that aids in the repair and building of muscle fibers. It is also a source of unsaturated (healthy) fats and trace minerals that promote good muscle development.

So, if you want to gain some extra pounds and looking for good results, include oats in your diet today! Whether it's thin, thick flakes, flour, or bran. The main thing is to consume!

Types of oats - best oats for weight gain

When we go to the supermarket, we find different types of oats. But do you know which are the best oats for weight gain? If you don't know, you will find out now!

Types of oats: Flakes (fine and coarse), bran, and flour. Let's comment on each of them

Oatmeal: This is the type of oat that retains all the nutrients and Fiber without loss. This is whole oatmeal, simply pressed (to take up less space). They can be found in thin or thick flakes, but that doesn't change their nutritional value. These are considered the best for weight gain.

Oatmeal flour: Flour is made from the inside of oat grain. This is why it has less dietary Fiber than the other versions since the highest fiber content is in the skin. However, it still has nutritional qualities in terms of proteins, micronutrients, etc., equal to others as these nutrients are found inside the grain. Plus, it's great for recipes as the taste goes unnoticed.

Oat bran: Oat bran is obtained from the husk and is therefore very rich in dietary Fiber. It loses a little in nutritional value but is still excellent food. It is also great for making recipes and cocktails as its taste goes unnoticed.

Well, there are several other oats products to choose from. Nowadays, you will also find Flavored Oats on supermarket shelves. However, we don't recommend them because they use ingredients that make the oats less healthy. Not every product in the market is good. So, put in some research before you choose one. Here’s a detailed video that you can watch to make the right choice.

How much oats should you eat to gain weight?

On average, the amount of oats a person should eat per serving  to provide the benefits listed above is about 3 tablespoons. This is more or less equivalent to 30 grams.

This is the amount when we talk about the benefits for normal and healthy people. But, for example, if you want to gain weight, the amount will be higher, approximately 60 grams per serving, which can be had at  breakfast or as the last meal of the day.

However, you need to prepare it in a specific manner to ensure weight gain. Want to know some oats recipes for weight gain? Read along.

How to eat oats for weight gain: Top 3 Recipes

Recipe 1: Yogurt Oats Shake


  • Yogurt – About 3 Spoons
  • Oats– About 3 Spoons
  • Cup of Whole milk
  • Banana, almonds, nuts, or raisins for toppings

How to prepare it

Blend the oats, yogurt, and milk properly. Once you achieve a thick shake, add healthy toppings such as banana, resins, almonds, peanut butter, etc. These ingredients make a high-calorie and low-sugar shake that offers healthy weight gain.


Benefits can vary with the toppings you add. However, milk will offer you calcium that’ll strengthen your bones. And yogurt will help you improve digestion.

Recipe 2: Masala Oats


  • A carrot
  • An onion
  • A tomato
  • Half cup of peeled green peas
  • 2 cups water
  • Cumin seeds
  • Green chilly as you like
  • Coriander leaves as you like
  • Basic spices

How to prepare it

  • Heat oil in a pan & add some cumin seeds.
  • Now, add chopped green chili and onion and sauté.
  • Add some turmeric powder, carrot, tomato, and some spices and sauté.
  • Add water (a cup) and boil properly.
  • Cover the lid of the pan and let the meal cook on a low flame.
  • Now add salt, green peas, and oats. Mix them well.
  • Use coriander leaves and some seasoning in the end.


This is a tasty masala oats dish that’s fairly easy to prepare. It includes the goodness of carrots, coriander, turmeric that are good for your health.

Recipe 3: Choco Chips and Oats Protein Shake


  • A glass of skimmed milk
  • 2 cups of Oats
  • A Chocolate Bar
  • Some Choco Chips
  • Walnuts or Almonds or both
  • 1-2 Cups of whey protein
  • A banana

How to prepare it

Mix all the ingredients using a blender except for Choco chips. Mix until everything becomes smooth. Pour the above mixture into a glass and add some Choco chips along with almonds or walnuts as toppings.


Bananas help you achieve instant energy and also promote healthy weight gain. Chocolate may add some sugar, but that’s quite manageable. Also, walnuts help with healthy weight gain, while almonds improve memory.

Other different ways to eat oats (Additional recipes)

Here we have some more different oats recipes for weight gain:



  • 6  tablespoons of oats (fine flakes)
  • 2 cups milk (whole or skimmed)
  • 1  tablespoon of honey.
  • Handful of mixed dry fruits.


  1. Put oats and some milk in a saucepan;
  2. Keep stirring and bring it to boil till it thickens;
  3. Put the rest of the milk in a saucepan and wait until it boils;
  4. Add the remaining ingredients, stir and then serve.

You can add a little cinnamon or something else to add a special touch to the porridge if you like.

It is a great first meal of the day as it is rich in important micronutrients such as protein and carbohydrates. Also ideal for people looking to increase muscle mass!

Fruit Shake


  • 1 tablespoon of oats;
  • 300 ml skim milk;
  • Fruit of your choice.


  1. In a blender, mix all the ingredients together;
  2. Then drink it.

You can add fruits like banana, mango, strawberry, etc., to your smoothie, or even include supplements like whey protein, albumin, BCAAs , etc. to help you work out more productively.

Fruit Salad


  • 2 cups  natural flavored yogurt
  • 1 cup oats (fine flakes)
  • 1  slice papaya ( cut into cubes)
  • ¼ cup berries (strawberries, blueberries);
  • 1  whole banana
  • 1  slice melon
  • ½  apple;


  1. Wash and then cut the fruit into small cubes;
  2. In a bowl, mix fruits with yogurt;
  3. Leave it in the refrigerator for a few hours;
  4. Add the oats before serving

You can replace or add any fruit to the salad. If you want to sweeten your fruit salad, sweeten it with honey.

Are there any side effects of consuming oats?

Oats are one of the most nutritious things that you can have. However, consuming oats can lead to gas and bloating. So, make sure to start with small quantities at first and then slowly increase over time.

Also, if you’re allergic to oats, it can lead to complications.


Yes, you can put on a healthy weight by consuming oats. Whether you’ll lose or gain weight depends only on your method of preparation and ingredients. In this article, we can better understand why oats are considered one of the best foods to eat for both the general public and those who want to gain weight.

To gain weight, you can add calorie-rich food and to lose weight, you can do the reverse. It’s simple.

However, it is imperative to pay attention to the quantity to avoid excessive consumption. Also, make sure that you’re not intolerant to oats or the ingredients in the recipes. Otherwise, you might face health issues.

Try to include oats in your diet, and you will see the benefits for your body. Take advantage of the consumption guidelines and try new recipes to start eating oats today, and comment below on what positive changes have occurred in your life.

Good nutrition!

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