Indian Weight Loss Diet: Healthy Planning to Accomplish Your Fitness Goals

  • 40 months ago
4 minute read.
Indian Weight Loss Diet: Healthy Planning to Accomplish Your Fitness Goals

Most of us have tried everything possible to cut down the numbers on the weight scale but none of that seems to have paved a way towards a fit & lean body. To be honest, it is not that simple as the advertisements portray, fad diets either aren’t a good option (Because all they’ll do is deprive your body of essential nutrients). Some people do vigorous exercises whereas some are always seen adopting different dieting methods every now and then. Let us get you straight here- Starving helps none!

Instead of distracting yourselves not to eat, choose the smart way of eating that can make you lose fat effectively.

What you need to know before starting your weight loss journey

Restrain from calling the weight loss plan- a diet plan

The word ‘diet’ in itself develops feelings of deprivation and it should not have to be this way. Begin to call your health plan- A weight loss chart. The main motive is to make you worry less about what you are doing. Remember stressing can have a strong effect on your weight, the more you stress, the harder your weight loss journey gets.

Weight loss is not just about sprouts and salads

If you think most of your weight loss chart will constitute salads, nahhh…wrong. It will be a balance of nutrients that can be fetched from different foods. It will constitute of healthy fruits and vegetables, without any doubt, but also some occasional cheats like baked samosas. Hope this brought a smile to your face.

Start Small

The silliest mistake people make is pushing the accelerator way sooner than required. You need to realize that you cannot lose 10 kilos in just a week. You do not have to adopt strict habits all of a sudden. All you have to do is take it step-by-step and give yourself the time to get used to the new tweaks in your lifestyle.

Here’s a sample healthy eating/weight loss chart-




Early Morning 

Lemon honey water / Cinnamon water

+ Mixed nuts and seeds 

1 Glass

1 Fistful


Cereal / Vegetable poha / Vegetable omelet + 2 multigrain bread slices

+  Milk 

+ Fruit

1 Bowl / 1 Serving

1 Glass

1 Whole

Mid-Morning Snack 


1 Bowl



+ Vegetable

+ Dal

+ Curd / Vegetable raita

+ Roti

1 Bowl

1 Bowl

1 Bowl

1 Bowl

2 No. 

Mid-Evening Snack

Buttermilk / Green tea / Coconut water

 + Roasted grains / Fox nuts/ Fruit

1 Glass

Handful / 1 Bowl / 1 Whole


Salad / Soup                                               

+ Vegetable

+ Dal

+ Roti

1 Bowl

1 Bowl

1 Bowl

2 No. / 1 Bowl

Post Dinner


1 Glass 

Note: Do not alter the ingredients of a nutritional chart on your own. Some food you choose randomly might contain “empty calories.” These add a lot of calories to your diet without providing dietary value. Always consult a dietitian before starting any plan and get the chart analyzed according to your current health condition/status. The above stated is a sample plan and might not work in your favor. Opt. for a Weight Loss Care Plan on The Wellness Corner which includes personal nutritional, fitness, and emotional coaching.

Tips to keep in mind

  1. Try to eat mindfully- Pause for a moment before you eat, observe the signals your body is sending, and analyze if you are really hungry or it is just an emotional trigger.
  2. Unfollow anyone who spreads unauthentic rumors- If you come across any person who says “If you exercise daily, you can eat whatever you want” or "All calories are equal, so it doesn't matter what you eat", please do not believe any of these myths. Be wise and confirm anything you read or hear with wellness professionals on The Wellness Corner. Related- Myth & fact on weight loss
  3. Start paying attention to your intuitions- Focus on your inner voice, how it trains you according to the ‘should’ and ‘shouldn’t’. For example- “You shouldn’t have this ice cream today because you had a dessert yesterday”, “You should eat a healthy delicious snack instead”.
  4. Never quit learning: Incorporating a healthy routine is a process, an ongoing drive than reaching a final destination. You will find out more about fitness, nutrition, and about yourself which can help you in getting better for the next day.

Bottom line

Obesity has become a common problem in India. From kids to adults, poor lifestyles have affected almost everyone in one way or the other. But the good part is experts and wellness professionals all over the world have made it possible for an individual to achieve the desired goals you are looking for. If you are a weight-watcher, you’ll have to follow the weight chart religiously and the results will be right in front of your eyes. Additionally, one needs to stick to a dedicated lifestyle comprising workout, having adequate sleep, taking care of your mental health, and analyzing the progress at each stage.

By using The Wellness Corner app,  you can access multiple tools to improve your lifestyle in order to accomplish your weight loss goal. Be it calorie calculator, journalizing moods, sleep tracker or step counter (and so much more), everything at a single place. Try now.

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