Know Your Anger Style and Ways to Manage Anger

  • 40 months ago
2 minute read.
Know Your Anger Style and Ways to Manage Anger

When somebody cuts you off in traffic, do you get annoyed? When your child fails to cooperate, does your blood pressure skyrocket? This is what anger is.

Anger is a perfectly natural emotion and, in most cases, healthy human emotion. However, if it spirals out of control and becomes destructive, it may cause issues at work and in your personal relations and affect your emotional wellness.

Anger triggers us to retaliate to the smallest of the situation that goes out of the usual way. Some people keep the anger inside, which is more harmful. With time, we need to learn about our anger styles and take preventive measures for anger management.

But why is it important to identify your anger style and manage your anger?

Identifying Your Anger Styles & Its Importance

Recognizing your anger demands some self-exploration to identify what makes you angry. Once you've identified the possible triggers, you may persuade yourself to identify the emotion before reacting and begin reconditioning yourself to react with less fickleness.

Expressing anger violently is never a solution to any problem. It's the reason you should know about your anger styles so that you can do some anger management and live a peaceful life.

Importance of Anger Management

The prime motive of anger management is to comprehend the message underlying the emotion and vent it constructively without losing control, rather than suppressing your anger. You'll not only feel good, but you'll also be prepared to meet your needs, handle conflict in your life, and build relationships if you do so.

To manage your anger, you need to first identify what type of anger style you tend to have? Let's have a look at them.

Types of Anger Styles

  1. Aggressive Style: The Aggressive style of rage is characterized by a strong need to keep control over oneself, other people, and circumstances. They do not accept no for an answer and manipulate people by inflicting pain on them to make them feel bad or back down.
  2. Passive Style: Passive anger is characterized by a desire to avoid disagreement and confrontation. These people have a hard time saying no without feeling bad. It makes them feel terrible. People with a passive anger style try hard to avoid injuring others.
  3. Passive-Aggressive Style: People with Passive-Aggressive anger style are comparatively not aggressive like Aggressive style people, but they also don't desire to avoid confrontation like Passive style people. They may employ silent treatment.
  4. Projective Aggressive Style: A person with a Projective-Aggressive style may look passive, but they're not. They are frequently enraged and fear to express it. They may accuse you of being furious when you are not.
  5. Assertive Style: People with this assertive style communicate their needs directly, openly, and honestly, rather than waiting for others to read their minds. At the same time, they regard the needs and feelings of others.

These anger styles depend on various factors, and you should always identify your style and adapt the anger management techniques accordingly.

Following is a list of Anger Management techniques that you can follow.

Anger Management Techniques

The following is a quick list of techniques that you can follow to live a happy and peaceful life:

  1. Make a list of the signs that triggers your anger
  2. Find out why they trigger you
  3. Practice writing down your anger issues
  4. Count from 0 to 100
  5. Walk away from the situation
  6. Do exercise
  7. Talk to your trusted people
  8. Do something that makes you relaxed

Key Takeaways

Anger is a natural emotion that should be expressed, but not in a way that causes harm or hurt to somebody. Anger management plays a crucial role in your emotional wellness, and everybody should identify their anger style to adapt the right techniques!

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