Do You Have a Lump Under Your Skin? It Might Be Lipoma

  • 31 months ago
4 minute read.
Do You Have a Lump Under Your Skin? It Might Be Lipoma


Lipomas are noncancerous, benign tumors that grow in fatty tissue and are most commonly formed in the neck, armpits, or groin area. These small lumps don’t cause any pain but can become unsightly if they grow too large or start to protrude from the skin.

These growths are often harmless, noncancerous, and relatively easy to remove, but it’s important to understand the potential health problems they can cause so you can treat them as soon as possible. Learn more about lipomas, how they’re diagnosed and treated, and why it’s essential to seek medical advice if you find one on your body.

What is lipoma?

Many people develop lipomas, or fatty tumors, on their skin. There are many reasons why these lumps appear, but generally, they're non-cancerous and easy to remove with natural remedies or laser surgery. These days, there is also a wide range of anti-lipoma treatments available that help to get rid of them quickly and naturally.

Also check: What is the difference between a tumor and a cyst?


The cause of lipomas is largely unknown. There are several theories, but none have been proven. These include:

  • Genes: Some people may be more likely to develop lipomas because they inherited genes that make them susceptible to them.
  • Hormones: Hormones may play a role in the development of some types of lipomas, particularly those that occur during puberty or after pregnancy.
  • Obesity: Obesity can increase your risk of developing certain types of lipomas. However, it’s important to note that most obese people don’t have lipomas and most people with lipomas are not obese.
  • In rare cases, trauma can cause a small fatty tumor called an acrolipoma. This is more common in children than in adults.
  • Infection: Certain viruses, such as mumps or hepatitis C, may cause some types of lipomas. In rare cases, a fatty tumor can develop on its own for no apparent reason.

Signs and symptoms of this condition:

  • A lipoma will generally feel soft to the touch.
  • They can range in size from a few millimeters to more than an inch and are generally located under the loose skin on your back, arms, chest, or shoulders.
  • Moving easily under your skin They’re usually painless, although sometimes they can become tender or painful if you press on them.
  • Lipomas are most common in people between 30 and 50 years old, but they can occur at any age.
  • They're also more common in men than in women.

Steps that can be taken to manage this condition

#1. Identify what kind of lump you have:

If you are experiencing a lump under your skin, it is important to know what kind of lump it is. Different types of lumps require different treatments and identifying your lump as soon as possible can help you get started on a treatment plan that will be most effective for your condition.

In many cases, if you do not identify and treat a lump in its early stages, it can develop into something more serious and more difficult to treat later on down the road. For example, a lipoma can grow large enough to cause pain or discomfort and may even become infected if left untreated for too long.

By taking action right away when you first notice a lump under your skin, you can take steps to keep it from growing any larger than necessary.

#2. Talk to your doctor about getting tested:

Once you’ve identified what kind of lump you’re dealing with, it’s time to talk with your doctor about how best to manage your specific condition. Your doctor will likely want to perform some tests and examinations before prescribing a treatment method for your specific type of lump.

For example, if you have been diagnosed with lipoma, your doctor may recommend that you undergo surgery in order to remove it from your body. Depending on where exactly your lipoma is located on your body, removing it surgically can be more or less complicated than other types of lumps.

#3. Take steps to keep your body in good health:

In many cases, managing a lump under your skin will involve taking steps to improve your overall health and wellness as well. For example, if you have been diagnosed with lipoma and need to undergo surgery to remove it from your body, then maintaining an active lifestyle and eating a balanced diet can help you recover faster after surgery.

When you are healthy, your body is better able to fight off infections and heal itself naturally. If you are dealing with any type of lump under your skin that is causing pain or discomfort for you, it’s important to take steps to manage that condition immediately.

By following these three basic steps when dealing with a lump under your skin, you can make sure that any lumps on your body are managed quickly and effectively so they don’t become more serious later on down the road.


Lipomas are common, harmless tumors that grow from excess fat cells. Unlike cancers, lipomas are benign and do not spread to other parts of your body. Although some people may find them unsightly or painful, most lipomas aren’t dangerous and don’t require any treatment. However, if you have a large lipoma on your back or another part of your body that is causing pain or discomfort, you can visit a dermatologist for removal.

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