It is not a myth that gorging on your pasta while watching your favourite TV show or eating out at a noisy restaurant is bound to make you eat more.
The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, looked at 41 women, most of whom were of healthy weight but were those that controlled their eating quite consciously. The women were presented with the same meal on several different occasions, over several weeks, in different circumstances: alone, alone with a recording of advice on eating, together with other women, or alone but with a recording of a TV show as a distraction.
The findings showed that when distracted, the women ate significantly more food, despite not being hungrier.
Although this was a small study, the findings were convincing enough to support the long-held view that distracted eating is not healthy. So, if you want to lose weight, try these tips for staying alert.
Eating Mindfully is one more tool to use in weight management. In addition to being in control of your weight, you'll be surprised that being present and aware when you eat can actually make food taste better!