Natural Remedies to Conceal Gray Hair

  • 32 months ago
4 minute read.
Natural Remedies to Conceal Gray Hair

Today, people have become very conscious of the way they look. With the advent of stressful lifestyles, the sight of premature appearance of grey hair is not very uncommon.

It takes a lot of work to color your hair, especially if you use traditional hair dyes. You must use natural methods to hide the grey hair roots and preserve your hair black rather than chemically filtered hair dye on your scalp.

Here are some natural remedies to conceal your silver strands.

  1. Henna
  2. Sage leaves
  3. Coffee
  4. Castor And Olive Oil
  5. Black Pepper
  6. Apple Cider Vinegar
  7. Onion Juice
  8. Potato Peels
  9. Black Tea

1. Henna

Henna powder is among the most well-liked and gentle methods of treating grey hair. When applied once a month, essentially helps to treat grey hair. Henna has natural color pigmentation, making it simple to cover grey roots.

Method: Combine two cups of lemon juice with one cup of henna powder. You might also mix a spoonful of vinegar and yogurt.

Application: Apply the mixture to the scalp. Henna has antiviral and antibacterial effects. Additionally, it balances the pH of the scalp.

2. Sage Leaves Help To Darken Grey Hair


  • Sage Leaves: 4 tbsp
  • Water: ½ cup
  • Henna: 2 tbsp
  • Ground Cloves: 1 tsp
  • Strong Tea Decoction: ½ cup

Method: Make a strong infusion using sage leaves. Cool and strain. Add tea and ground cloves. Mix in henna.

Application: Apply to hair and scalp. Leave on for thirty minutes and rinse off.

You May Also Like: Busting The Myths About Grey Hair

3. Coffee

One of the tried-and-true methods for covering grey hair is to use coffee. Use coffee regularly if you wish to acquire darker hair and entirely stop grey hair.


  • One cup of water
  • Three spoons of coffee powder

Method: Simply combine one cup of water and one cup of coffee. You can also mix in two to three spoons of coffee powder. Apply the coffee powder to your hair after allowing it to fully dissolve.

Application: Let it sit for an hour, then rinse with cold water.

4. Castor And Olive Oil


  • Castor Oil: 250g
  • Olive Oil: 50g
  • Sandalwood Powder: 50g
  • Amla Powder: 50g
  • Coffee Powder: 50g

Method: Heat oil in a pan. When warm, add sandalwood, coffee, and amla powder. Keep stirring until the oil separates from the residue. Strain and fill in a bottle.

Application: Massage well and leave overnight or at least for three hours.

Also Check: Bad Habits That Make Your Hair Thinner!

5. Black Pepper

Black pepper has a natural pigment that makes it possible to quickly darken your hair. Black pepper can naturally condition grey hair while also darkening it, leaving you with supple, moisturized, and smooth hair.

Method: Make a paste by blending 2 grams of black pepper. Add one cup of yogurt to the mixture.

Application: Apply it to the roots. After one hour, rinse it off with cold water. When using this mask, avoid rubbing your eyes because it could irritate them.

Other remedies that can be beneficial for grey hair:

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar: Add two cups of water to one cup of apple cider vinegar. Apply this solution to your hair, then let it sit for 30 minutes. Later, rinse with cold water.
  2. Onion Juice: Apply some onion juice to your hair roots and massage. After 40 minutes, remove it by washing it with cold water.
  3. Potato Peels: Peel some potatoes, then save the peel. Now boil one cup of potato peel in two cups of water. After letting it simmer for a while, add a few drops of your preferred essential oil. Put the liquid on the hair at this point, soaking each hair strand. Use water to wash it off.
  4. Black Tea: Boil two tablespoons of black tea and one teaspoon of salt in a cup of water. Apply gently after cooling to 'just-washed' hair. Let them dry. To make grey strands darker, repeat frequently.

Ending Words

The graying process can be arrested with proper treatment and diet. Supplements of copper, folic acid, and B-complex can restore color and curb hair loss in some people.

Consult a dietitian on The Wellness Corner for a customized diet plan. Not only will help to slow down the graying process but also help curb and manage other health health issues that may be prevailing.

Diet Plan

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