Can Obesity Cause PCOS?

  • 29 months ago
4 minute read.
Can Obesity Cause PCOS?

Weight gain or obesity can lead to several diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart strokes, osteoarthritis, etc. We all know that.

But can obesity cause PCOS in women? If you have this question on your mind, read along. This blog talks about everything from what PCOS is, its causes, symptoms, and whether obesity leads to PCOS.

What is PCOS?

Commonly known as PCOS, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a female reproductive system disorder mainly resulting from hormonal imbalance in your body. Although the disorder isn’t restricted to a particular age group, it is highly noticed among teenagers and adults who rely on junk food.

You are most likely to follow irregular menstrual cycles when you suffer from PCOS. And irregularity in your periods is merely a result of multiple ovarian cysts formed inside your ovary that interrupts the proper ovarian functioning.

Due to the accumulation of small ovarian follicles, eggs simply fail to release periodically from your ovary. Furthermore, PCOS, in some cases, causes excessive menstrual bleeding and pains in your reproductive parts.

Must Check: Home Remedies for Irregular Periods

What Are the Possible Causes of PCOS? 

Here are the possible causes of PCOS:

  • Imbalance in the amount of androgen release
  • Uterus inflammation
  • Overconsumption of junk food
  • Stress, anxiety, and insomnia
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Hereditary
  • Excessive production of insulin
Find out your risk for Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

What are the Symptoms of PCOS?

Symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS vary from person to person. For instance, if you are a teenage girl, you might notice facial acne and dark spots on your face, which is not the case in middle age women. However, here are some general symptoms of PCOS you might notice:

  • Fatigue, weakness, and less often pelvic pains
  • Hirsutism (unwanted hair growth)
  • Depression, anxiety, and mood swings
  • Acne and dark spots
  • Weight gain
  • Pregnancy-related complications
  • Scanty periods/spotting


Can Obesity Increase your Risk of Having PCOS? If Yes, How? 

Well, according to research, PCOS is a weight gain or obesity-related condition. And weight gain may contribute to the development of PCOS. So, yes, obesity and PCOS are related. Here’s how:

Insulin has a major role in controlling your blood sugar levels and generating energy from the food you consume. However, improper functioning and production of insulin hormone imbalances your body’s basal metabolic rate, which eventually leads to weight gain and PCOS.

Must check: PCOS Diet: What you should be eating (and what not)

Also, obese females tend to store excess fat in tissues, and these tissue cells release estrogen. On accumulation, this estrogen gradually converts into a male sex hormone called testosterone. So basically, this hormone is responsible for your excessive facial hair and other masculine traits.

Furthermore, the misbalance of estrogen hinders your normal process of ovulation and regular menstruation. Although enlarged and polycystic ovaries aren’t always a result of obesity, they can leave you with serious complications such as infertility.

Please Note. Always remember that obesity is one of the causes of PCOS; it’s not the only one. Several underweight or non-obese women suffer from PCOS too.

What are the Risk Factors for Obesity That Might Lead To PCOS?

Here are some common factors that contribute to making you obese:

Community Factors

Lack of education, cultural eating habits, access to restaurants, and recreation can also increase your risk of getting obese. Moreover, if you are raised in an unhygienic, unhealthy, and stressful environment, you are, without doubt, more like to acquire PCOS.

Lack of Exercise

Modernization hasn’t only made lifestyle easy but also sedentary. Children hardly find outdoor activities interesting to do; rather, they prefer to play video games. This type of lifestyle is the key reason for childhood obesity. And in the case of females, it can lead to major disorders like PCOS.

Unhealthy Eating Habits

Consuming junk food like chips, pizzas, and burgers regularly can also upset your hormonal balance. Food items with a high sugar level often facilitate cyst formation; that’s why if you are a PCOS patient, you are highly recommended to rely less on sugary food items and a diet containing high carbohydrate content.

Family History

If the females in the family have been suffering from a particular disorder, the chances of you getting affected are usually high. However, this is not always the case, but your genes do have a role to play in regulating polycystic ovarian syndrome.

How can you Manage your Weight and Hormonal Misbalance?

Regular workout, gymming, yoga, etc., can help you a lot in controlling weight and hormonal misbalance. Sweating during exercise helps your body to get rid of toxic chemicals while regulating body temperature. Also, irregular sleeping habits somehow disrupt your normal hormonal cycle. So, four simple rules for you to maintain weight and stay healthy are:

Additionally, if you are suffering from PCOS, it is suggested to seek expert advice. Taking pills without a prescription could prove to be harmful and unsafe for you. And if the reason is not obesity and you are having some kind of pelvic inflammation, try to visit a doctor for an immediate solution without any delay.

Wrapping up

Since every 1 out of 5 women in India suffers from PCOS these days, it’s crucial for you to understand the symptoms, causes and consequences. After all, that’s the only way you can diagnose or detect the problem and get treatment for the same.

If you fall in the age group of 13-18 and have issues with your periods, it is important for you to bring the problem to the notice of your parents. Organic conversation with them could probably be a better way to deal with such issues.

And if you’re an adult and notice the symptoms as stated above, it’s recommended that you reach out to an expert and get your condition diagnosed. This way, you’ll be able to deal effectively with the problem.

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