
  • 56 months ago
2 minute read.

Oranges are among the world's most popular fruits. Oranges are bright orange in color, tangy (sometimes sweet, sometimes sour) in taste and is easily available in the market. It is a popular fruit because of their natural sweetness, wide variety of types and diversity of uses, from juices and marmalades to face masks and candied orange slices. This juicy citrus fruit is packed with loads of vitamin C, phytochemicals and flavonoids. It is your way to stronger immune system!

Nutritional Value Of Orange

Low in calories but, rich in vitamin C, it is a good source of vitamin A (beta-carotene), thiamine and folate as well. Having these nutrients makes it a rich source of anti-oxidants! It is fibrous, gives satiety and comes as a handy snack.

Nutritional Value (Per 100 gm)

  • Energy - 38 kcal
  • Carbohydrates – 7.9 gm
  • Fat - 0.13 gm
  • Protein - 0.7 gm
  • Fiber – 1.3 gm
  • Potassium - 164 mg
  • Vitamin A - 1581 IU
  • Vitamin C – 42.7 mg

Benefits Of Orange

  • Oranges are low in calories while high in vitamin C and fiber. Eating whole fruit not only results in less hunger and calorie intake but also increased feelings of fullness.
  • Oranges have both soluble and insoluble fiber that helps in keeping intestines and stomach functioning smooth, preventing irritable bowel syndrome and treat constipation to a greater extent.
  • Fiber and natural fruit sugar present in oranges help in keeping blood sugar levels under control, thus, making oranges a healthy snack for people with diabetes.
  • Oranges have cholesterol lowering effect due to presence of flavonoids.
  • Being a good source of magnesium, it helps keep blood pressure under control.
  • Oranges, being rich in Vitamins B6, helps support the production of hemoglobin in the body, thus, prevents anemia.
  • Oranges are beneficial for a healthy immune system, is good for preventing colds and recurrent ear infections.
  • Oranges, being an excellent source of vitamin C is associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer as it helps to get of free radicals that cause damage to the cells in our body.
  • Oranges are a rich source of carotenoid. Vitamin A present in them plays an important role in keeping the mucus membranes in the eyes healthy, prevents age-related muscular degeneration and helps eyes to absorb the light.
  • The antioxidant vitamin C present in orange, when eaten in its natural form or applied topically, can help fight skin damage caused by the sun and pollution, reduce wrinkles and improve overall skin texture.
  • Oranges also have healing properties that are associated with compounds known as phytonutrients.

Myths About Orange

Myth: Oranges should be avoided (as they are sour in taste) if one has cold and cough.

Fact: Oranges are a rich source of vitamin C, which is an immune booster. This fruit can actually help in fighting against infections and so can/should be eaten if one has cold and cough.

Myth: Eating orange will lead to muscle soreness in athletes.

Fact: Orange is a good source of potassium. Potassium is known to play a role in relieving muscle cramps and/or soreness. So, oranges can actually be beneficial for athletes.

Tips To Include Orange In The Diet

  • An orange in between meals makes a very healthy snack.
  • Add small pieces of oranges to your salad to give a tangy taste.
  • A glass of fresh orange juice (without sugar) is a good option, sometimes, instead of going for sodas.
  • A variety of mock tails can be prepared using orange juice.
  • Orange pieces can be added to desserts like cakes, pastries, muffins, pie, smoothie, etc.
  • Orange peel can be grated and used in dishes like vegetable stew or salads.
  • Orange can be used to prepare jams, marmalade and jellies.

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