Don't let overripe bananas go to waste! These recipes offer a delicious way to make the most of those brown-spotted bananas while staying healthy
15 months ago
The Benefits of a “Can-Do” Mindset: 1) Increased Resilience 2) Enhanced Creativity 3) Improved Confidence 4) Greater Motivation 5) Better Problem....
Best houseplants to help you sleep better: 1) Lavender 2) Aloe Vera 3) Snake Plant 4) Jasmine 5) Peace Lily 6) Valerian 7) English Ivy 8) Gerbera
Choosing between small & frequent meals and intermittent fasting is an individualized decision that should consider various factors 1. Lifestyle
Reasons you feel tingling or numbness while doing yoga: 1. Pinched nerves 2. Limited blood flow 3. Muscle engagement 4. Stretching & flexibility
The truth is saying "I appreciate you" can be incredibly rewarding, for the giver & the receiver. We all have a basic need to be seen and valued.
However, it's generally recommended to have dinner around 2-3 hours before bedtime. For most people, this falls between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM.
Situational anxiety is when you feel nervous or worried in specific situations, like before a big presentation, job interview or medical checkup.
Anergia is an extreme lack of energy and motivation. It's not just feeling tired; it's feeling like you have no energy left at all.
Highly sensitive individuals are more susceptible to absorbing emotions. Their heightened sensitivity allows them to pick up on emotions.........
In the debate of standing vs. seated calf raises, there's no clear winner when it comes to building bigger calves. Both offer unique benefits.
Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks & destroys insulin-producing beta cells.
The "Ketsueki-gata" in Japan, is a belief system that associates a person's blood type with certain personality traits and characteristics.
Ayurveda is like an ancient guide to keeping our bodies cool, especially when it is boiling hot. It's like a magical recipe to balance the heat..
We live in a world where technology is everywhere, it's hard to take a break from screens. Weekends give you a chance to find joy in simple things
16 months ago