Procrastination and Time Management

  • 33 months ago
1 minute read.
Procrastination and Time Management

Procrastination is the ultimate enemy of time management. It is the act of putting aside all the important things that you should be focusing on in the favor of doing something that is more pleasurable or comfortable to do. Many people complain of not finding time despite of planning their day because their to-do list is filled with procrastination. Believe it or not, we all procrastinate at some point in life.

Most of us do not realize that we are indulging in things that are not important to us. Activities like watching television programs continuously, doing things at an extremely slow pace when they can be done quickly, and making spontaneous plans with friends or colleagues can actually waste a lot of time. Lately, addiction to social media, mobile phones and technology has also compelled individuals of all age groups to waste time.

Here are a few useful tips that can help you to defeat procrastination:

  • Realize and accept that you are a procrastinator. Unless you accept it, you cannot take a step further.
  • Stop delaying. Sometimes, you just need to get started. Think of the consequences you might have to face if you further delay the important task.
  • Eliminate distractions rather than avoiding them. Before you begin your task, log out from chats and switch off your phone if necessary.
  • Learn to say “No” to all the tempting offers that fall in your way as a hurdle.
  • Set time bound, but realistic goals. Keep a timer with you, if needed.

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