Signs of vision problems in children!

  • 52 months ago
1 minute read.
Signs of vision problems in children!

Most children do not always complain about vision problems because they do not recognize them. It is up to parents and teachers to notice the obvious signs of eye problems. An early detection will help get your child's development back on track and prevent vision issues.

A few signs to look out as your child is growing:

• Bulging eyes
• An eye crossed or turned out
• Pupils that are not the same size or look white instead of black
• Eyes that bounce around in rapid movements

Other signs to look out for when your child gets closer to school age include:

• Headaches, nausea or dizziness during or after reading
• Squinting
• Short attention span for age
• Frequent eye rubbing
• Blurry vision
• Redness or tearing in the eye
• Holding objects or reading materials very close to face

If you notice any of the above signs in your child, please take your child for a full eye examination!

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