Common Sleeping Positions And What They Can Do To Your Body?

  • 29 months ago
3 minute read.
Common Sleeping Positions And What They Can Do To Your Body?

Getting good quality sleep is vital but did you know that your sleeping position can also have an impact on your health? As surprising as it sounds, let's have a look at the eight common sleeping positions and what they can do to your body?

On Your Back, Arms at Sides

Sleeping on your back with your arms at your side is usually considered to be the best sleeping position for your spine as well as for your neck, as long as you're not using too many pillows. Back sleepers tend to snore more than those sleeping in a different position. Sleeping on the back is strongly associated with sleep apnea.

On Your Back, Arms Up

This is called a "starfish" position which is also good for your back. Whether your arms are up or around the pillow, sleeping on your back can also prevent facial wrinkles and skin breakouts. Just like the arms down back sleeping position, this one can also result in problems with acid reflux and snoring. Having your arms up can also put pressure on the nerves in your shoulders, leading to shoulder pain.

Fetal Position

Sleeping in a curled up position with your knees drawn up and chin tilted down may be comfortable but this can cause a number of problems for your back and neck. This fetal position can restrict breathing. Researchers suggest that sleeping like a fetus can occur if an individual is pregnant or has problems with snoring.

Face Down

Did you know that sleeping on your stomach can improve your digestion? This is true. However, unless you have developed ways to breathe through your pillows, this position will most likely lead you to tilt your face in one direction or the other. Sadly, sleeping face down can also cause back pain as the curve of the spine is not supported.

On Side, Arms at Sides

An individual sleeping on the side with both arms down, the spine is best supported in its natural curve. This position can help reduce back and neck pain and reduce sleep apnea. The downside of this position is that it can contribute to skin aging due to gravity, meaning drooping breasts and facial wrinkles.

On Side, Arms Out

The benefits of this position are the same as those of sleeping on the side with arms straight down. However, any side sleeping can cause shoulder and arm pain due to the constrained blood supply and pressure on the nerves, which may be intensified by having your arms out in front of you.

On the Right Side

The side on which you sleep also makes a difference. It is said that sleeping on the right side can aggravate heartburn while sleeping on the left side can put the strain on the internal organs such as the lungs, liver, and stomach.


Despite the consequences of which sleeping position you prefer, it's very likely that you can get a good night's rest with less ache in the morning by supplementing your body with a pillow.

  • Side sleepers can place a pillow in between their knees.
  • Back sleepers can put a tiny pillow under the arch of their spine.
  • Stomach sleepers can probably place a pillow under their hips to support the joints and allow pain-free relaxation.

In A Nutshell

The best position: Sleep issues can be reduced by sleeping on your side with your back mostly straight. Because your spine remains aligned, it can also eliminate neck and back problems. Improve it : To relieve strain on your hips, place a soft pillow, folded blanket, or towel between your knees.

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