Vajrasana: The Only Yoga Pose You Need After A Big Meal

  • 23 months ago
3 minute read.
Vajrasana: The Only Yoga Pose You Need After A Big Meal

After a big meal, it's common to feel bloated, uncomfortable, and sluggish. If you're looking for a way to alleviate these symptoms, Vajrasana might be the perfect yoga pose. Vajrasana, also known as Thunderbolt Pose, is a simple but effective yoga pose that can make you feel better instantly.

Vajrasana is a simple yoga pose that involves sitting on your heels with your knees and ankles together. The name Vajrasana comes from the Sanskrit word "vajra" which means thunderbolt, and "asana" which means pose. This pose is to help with digestion and alleviate discomfort after a big meal.

How to get into the vajrasana

Vajrasana, also known as the thunderbolt pose, is a seated yoga posture used for meditation and pranayama.

Here are the steps to get into Vajrasana:

  • Kneel on the floor with your knees close together and your feet slightly apart.
  • Drop your buttocks onto your heels, distributing your weight evenly over both feet.
  • Place your palms on your thighs, with your palms facing down.
  • Keep your back straight, your head level, and your gaze forward.
  • Breathe slowly and deeply and try to relax your entire body while holding the pose.

Note: Vajrasana is not suggested for people who have knee problems or injuries. If you feel any discomfort or agony while in the position, you should immediately leave it.

Timing to do vajrasana

What if practicing one single pose for 15 minutes immediately after your meal could provide a simple solution to these issues? That's correct! Yoga suggests that Vajrasana, one of the classical meditative postures, can help regulate your digestive system most effectively when practiced for 15 minutes shortly after a meal. Some yogic writings go so far as to say that one should eat their meals while sitting in Vajrasana to help in digestion.


  1. Improved digestion: Sitting in Vajrasana posture can help improve digestion by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the digestive organs, and by stimulating the digestive fire.
  2. Reduced stress: Vajrasana can help reduce stress and anxiety by calming the mind and relaxing the body.
  3. Strengthened back and pelvic muscles: Regular practice of Vajrasana can help strengthen the muscles of the back and pelvis, which can help improve posture and reduce the risk of back pain.
  4. Improved circulation: Sitting in Vajrasana can improve circulation in the legs and feet, which can be helpful for those who spend a lot of time sitting or standing.
  5. Improved concentration: Vajrasana can help increase concentration and focus by calming the mind and decreasing distractions.
  6. Reduced menstrual cramps: Vajrasana is beneficial for women who experience menstrual cramps, as it can help stimulate blood flow to the pelvic area.
  7. Strengthens sexual organs: Vajrasana stimulates blood circulation and feeds the reproductive organs. It strengthens the sexual organs of both men and women. It has a good impact on reproductive health along with improving sexual performance.

[Also Read: Other benefits of doing yoga]


Avoid doing Vajrasana :

  1. If you have a knee condition or if you have recently had knee surgery
  2. A spinal cord condition, especially with the lower vertebrae
  3. Intestinal ulcers, hernias, or other intestinal issues like a stomach ulcer or hernia
  4. If you are pregnant, consult your doctor about Vajrasana. Some believe you should avoid whereas some believe that keeping your knees apart is fine to avoid stressing your abdomen.

[Also Check: Remedies for soreness after yoga]


By sitting vajrasana you can create a natural compression in your abdominal area, which can help to stimulate the digestive organs and improve the flow of blood and oxygen to the digestive tract. This posture also encourages deep breathing, which can further aid digestion and help to reduce stress and tension in the body. By incorporating Vajrasana into your post-meal routine, you can promote better digestion and overall well-being.

[Also check: Yoga asanas & pranayama to boost your immunity]

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