Premenstrual Syndrome, these two words spell dread for millions of women every month. It is reported that almost 85% of women experience some kind of discomfort related to menstruation. The PMS symptoms usually begin 7 to 14 days before the period and can range from a few cramps to more severe symptoms, capable of disrupting daily routine. There is no permanent cure for PMS; however healthy lifestyle habits may help to reduce symptoms. Here are a few tips that will help women prevent or reduce their PMS symptoms naturally:
• Have 4 to 6 small meals through the day to reduce bloating and the feeling of fullness.
• Limit your intake of salty and packaged foods to reduce fluid retention and bloating.
• According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, complex carbohydrates are known to reduce PMS symptoms like mood swings and food craving. Therefore it is a good idea to include foods high in complex carbohydrates and fiber like whole grain cereals, brown rice, fruits, pulses, legumes, and vegetables in your diet.
• Avoid highly-refined and processed foods like chips, burgers, pizza, and more, as they make you overeat and upset your digestive system.
• Limit the intake of sweets like cake, cookies, candies, and soft drinks, as these foods rapidly fluctuate blood sugar levels and make you moody and irritable.
• Calcium-rich foods ease depression, mood swings, PMS pains, and water retention. So, include more of calcium-rich foods like milk, curd, yogurt, nuts, green leafy, and pulses in your diet.
• Limit your intake of caffeinated beverages, to negate the feeling of tension, anxiety, irritability, and prevent breast tenderness.
• In a study published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, it was concluded that regular alcohol consumption increased the length and severity of cramps in women who commonly experienced cramps during PMS.
• Exercise helps to relieve cramps by releasing endorphins, increasing blood flow and loosening muscles in your lower abdomen, back, and thighs. Exercise also helps you alleviate symptoms like fatigue and mood swings. You need to engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day.
• Try to get enough sleep- at least 7 to 8 hours each night.
• Find healthy ways to deal with stress like talking to a friend, writing a diary, or practicing yoga.
• Reschedule all your stressful activities to the weeks after your period.
• Do not smoke. PMS gets worse for women who smoke.
• Set a routine- eat, wake up, sleep, and exercise at the same time each day.