Why Crash Diets May Not Work For You?

  • 20 months ago
3 minute read.
Why Crash Diets May Not Work For You?
Did your favorite celeb lose more than ten kilos in just a month, or did she just turn to size zero for a new project? Has that motivated you to lose weight? Their crash dieting may be the reason behind the dramatic change in weight.

But if you assume that the same holds good for you, it could cost you your health. Also, be prepared to gain back all the lost weight after a while. Then again, a crash diet need not only mean fad diets like the GM diet or vegan diet. A very low-carb or fat-free diet can also be an equally restrictive and damaging diet plan for the body.

Why restrictive diets may not work?

A crash diet triggers water loss and loss of muscle mass

A slight loss of water in the body slows down your metabolism. When your diet fails, you regain the lost fat instead of regaining muscle mass and reach a plateau which is a task in itself to break free from. Read here to know more about the much dreaded "weight loss plateau".

Loss of essential nutrients

Even the worst diet in terms of nutrients will cause weight loss initially, not because of any magical food or technique, but because you eat fewer calories than you burn. Restrictive diets also restrict carbs as they are considered to be fattening. But on the upside carbs are necessary because they fuel your body and brain. So a no-carb or low-carb diet does not just bring down your energy level, it also lowers your cognitive skills.

Increased cravings

A GM diet with just fruits may work initially and help in weight loss, but for how long can you survive only on fruits? Any diet that will keep you away from your favorite food will lead you back to your former eating behavior, increasing your craving, and eventually your weight.

Poor metabolism

Depriving your body of food slows down your metabolism. The energy required for your body's core functioning is obtained from energy conservation derived and not from the food you eat.

Your metabolism doesn't readjust itself when you restart your old diet regimen after a crash diet or a detox diet and will therefore cause your body to start storing the extra calories you are consuming, leading to weight gain. Research suggests that the body is well equipped with organs like the liver, kidney, and overall the immune system to help cleanse and detoxify itself. So, there is no need to put our bodies through a rigorous detox routine.

Hike in cholesterol levels

Crash diets are known to restrict fat so that it reduces cholesterol in the body. But on the contrary, you can expect a hike in your cholesterol levels after a crash diet session as your body will start compensating for the no-cholesterol diet by producing more cholesterol in the liver to assist in the functioning of your body.

It May affect mental health

Severe restrictive diets are also known to cause depression, anxiety, irritability, anger, mood swings, and a preoccupation with food.


So, to begin with, get the term "diet" right. It is not about fasting, skipping meals, eating only one kind of food, or restricting all those foods that you like. It is all about eating mindfully and in moderation.

Diet Plan

Dieting is also about finding out strategies to satisfy your hunger with fewer calories and most importantly, sticking to your goal. Set realistic short goals to keep your determination high. Play it safe with a healthy, balanced diet. Consult an expert dietitian on The Wellness Corner for a sensible diet plan.

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