What Is The Difference Between "Good Pain" And "Bad Pain" When Working Out?

  • 36 months ago
5 minute read.
What Is The Difference Between "Good Pain" And "Bad Pain" When Working Out?

You’ve probably heard the term good pain before. What does it mean? As you work out and push your body, should you feel pain or not? How much should you feel? What should that pain feel like? And what should you do if that pain is bad? A lot of people are confused about the difference between good pain and bad pain when working out because they don't want to hurt themselves, but they also want to build muscle and strength as quickly as possible. By the end of this article, you’ll know the answers to these questions and more!

Good Pain v/s Bad Pain

This is an excellent question that deserves an in-depth answer. Good pain and bad pain are what people often refer to when you are working out. What most people don't realize is how detrimental it can be to their bodies if they push too hard, too soon, or with improper form while they're working out. Exercising at a moderate intensity will produce both good pain (i.e., pain that your body can repair and get stronger) as well as bad pain (i.e., injury).

Unfortunately, there is no universal definition of good pain or bad pain; however, there are some telltale signs that you may be experiencing bad pain after your workout

Examples of Bad Pain

1) It doesn’t go away;

2) it’s so severe that you cannot continue exercising;

3) it’s dull and throbbing, not sharp and localized;

4) it prevents you from doing other types of exercise in other parts of your body.

If any one of these scenarios pertains to you, chances are you have experienced bad pain and need to take a break from working out until your condition improves.

Bad pain may also arise if you are making fitness mistakes that you may not be aware of. Keep a check on them.

Examples of Good Pain

On the other hand, if there is no interference with your daily routine or if you only experience mild soreness which seems to clear up quickly then what you probably felt was a good pain.

1) Good pain is caused by micro-tears in muscle fibers while bad pain is caused by inflammation or irritation

2) Good pain disappears when you stop exercising, but bad pain lingers even after several hours have passed.

3) Good pain can be relieved with ice, elevation, and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication (ibuprofen), but bad pain should be evaluated by a doctor or physical therapist to rule out an injury or ailment such as tendinitis or bursitis.

Most health experts agree that if you experience any of these symptoms, you should stop training immediately. If there isn’t any noticeable improvement within several days or it keeps getting worse, then you should see a doctor to rule out serious injury.

In contrast with bad pain, good pain tends to linger for several minutes during and just after an intense workout but quickly dissipates thereafter.

Types of Pain after a Workout

1. Elbow Joint Pain after Workout

There can also be cases of tendinitis where the pain is felt at specific joints during movement. If it hurts when you push down on any part of your elbow during bicep curls, for example, stop immediately as pushing through will make it worse!

The Cause of Elbow Joint Pain after Exercise

If you experience elbow joint pain after exercise, it may be due to a problem in one of three areas: tendons, muscles, or bones. Each source will require its own course of treatment. The key to relieving your elbow joint pain is identifying which area is causing your problem. Use these guides to identify what is causing your elbow joint pain and how to treat it.

How to Prevent Elbow Joint Pain after Exercise?

There are two common causes of elbow joint pain after exercise: one that doesn’t need treatment, and one that does. The former is referred to as delayed-onset muscle soreness" (DOMS), which usually occurs 24 to 48 hours after working out a muscle group.

DOMS typically feels like tenderness at first, which can then turn into pain when you try to move or use your arm.

It isn’t serious and will go away on its own; just let it rest until it passes. But if you have sharp, shooting pains, numbness in your hand or fingers, tingling in other parts of your body (usually due to compression of nerves surrounding your elbow), fever or redness near any cuts on your skin—stop exercising immediately and see a doctor right away; these could be signs of an underlying condition requiring medical attention!

2. Leg & Muscle Pain after a Workout

It’s a common concern for those getting started with working out. It doesn’t take long to figure out that if you don’t push yourself when you work out, you simply won’t get results. That being said, if soreness, discomfort, or even pain is preventing you from working out at full intensity then your hard work is being wasted. Thankfully there are ways to reduce the pain.

Tips for Recovering Good Pain after a Workout

A proper warmup is important before getting started on any workout. Going right into a high-intensity cardio session without warming up can cause what’s known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), which can make you feel sore even days after your workout. You can also reduce post-workout pain by stretching out your muscles gently, but mindfully: Studies show that people who are more focused on their stretches end up less sore than those who rush through them and don’t forget to bring plenty of water along for rehydration after each tough workout session!

Tips for Recovering from Bad Injuries Quickly

Here are some additional tips for recovering from bad injuries quickly

(1) get lots of rest;

(2) ice down areas that hurt with 20 minutes on/20 minutes off intervals;

(3) stretch gently – do not overstretch!;

(4) make sure you’re using proper technique while training so you don’t re-injure yourself while working out.

(5) stay positive – bad injuries often get better quicker when we keep positive mindsets;

(6) Finally, follow all directions from a physical therapist or doctor carefully – they know what they’re doing, and their advice will help speed up recovery times dramatically.

These simple tips will help you recover quickly from bad injuries so you can start moving towards your fitness goals again. But remember: these tips are in addition to seeing professional medical staff who know how to treat bad injury cases specifically.


While it’s not always possible to avoid pain after a workout, it is important to distinguish between good pain—the kind that tells you that you pushed yourself hard enough to grow stronger—and bad pain, which is usually caused by an injury or overuse. The more you exercise, especially with weights, the more likely you are to feel good pain after a workout.

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