Yoga For Humanity- Route Towards Holistic Health

  • 31 months ago
5 minute read.
Yoga For Humanity-  Route Towards Holistic Health

It's time to unfold your yoga mat and discover the blend of physical and mental exercises that have captivated millions of people around the world. The great thing about yoga is that you don't have to be a yogi to benefit from it. Whether you are young or old, overweight or healthy, yoga has the power to do a lot to your body. Be it relaxation, or toning the body, yoga has got your back. YOGA IS FOR EVERYONE.

Where did it all start from?

The word yoga comes from Sanskrit which means 'to unite' and symbolizes the union of body and consciousness. It is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India. It is now practiced in various forms all over the world and is growing in popularity.

Recognizing its universal appeal, on 11 December 2014, the United Nations proclaimed 21 June as the International Day of Yoga. India proposed the draft resolution establishing the International Day of Yoga, which was approved by a record 175 member states.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi first mentioned the proposal in his speech at the start of the 69th session of the General Assembly. The first International Day of Yoga was observed on June 21, 2015.

Decoding 2022 theme: Yoga for humanity

The theme of the 8th International Yoga Day 2022 is 'Yoga for Humanity'. The theme was selected after considerable thought and discussion, and it perfectly reflects how yoga assisted humanity in easing pain during the pandemic's peak.

The theme for this year's IDY was chosen after much deliberation and consultation, and it accurately represents how yoga benefited humanity during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how it will continue to do so in the emerging post-covid geopolitical scenario by bringing people together through compassion, kindness, and building resilience among people all over the world.

Yoga, as we all know, is a practice that brings joy, health, and peace from within, while also deepening a sense of continuous connection between an individual's inner consciousness and the external world.

Yoga proved to be a big weapon against Covid-19

Yoga practice in the corona pandemic defeated the pandemic, proving that yoga is an important part of humanity. Yoga is a tool for improving one's health and spirituality through physical and breathing exercises. There are various ways to do it, ranging from slow relaxing exercises to vigorous exercises, depending on your preference and need. Yoga has become a part of millions of people's daily routines in India and around the world. To attain health and spirituality, we must devote some time to yoga practice.

Why is Yoga important for humanity?

With the way our environment and lifestyle are changing, we are becoming ill more often. And every now and then, a pandemic strikes the entire world, claiming the lives of millions. When our body's immunity is affected, we become ill or suffer a pandemic.

Yoga-An amazing immunity booster

We can amazingly boost our immunity with the help of yoga. When our bodies have the power to resist diseases, they can't hurt us, no matter how severe or minor the condition is. People became sick in such vast numbers during the recent coronavirus pandemic that hospitals ran out of treatment options.

This pandemic has wreaked havoc on humanity. That is why, starting today, we must establish a yoga rule. Every day, we must do yoga. By doing this, we can actually save humanity.

Yoga helps with psychological distress and mental health issues

Beyond its immediate physical effects, the epidemic has aggravated psychological distress and mental health issues including depression and anxiety.

During the epidemic, people all over the world turned to yoga to stay fit and revitalized, as well as to combat social isolation and depression. Yoga is also being used to help COVID-19 patients with their care and rehabilitation.

Yoga balances human relationship with the world

Yoga's essence is balancing, not only within the body or between the mind and the body, but also in the human relationship with the world. Mindfulness, temperance, discipline, and perseverance are values emphasized in yoga. Yoga, when applied to communities and societies, provides a path to more sustainable living.

Yoga is the key to success

Yoga brings peace and concentration into our lives, allowing us to focus on any subject or goal. If we stay focused on our goal for years, we will reach the heights of success very quickly. Yoga is beneficial to both our physical and mental health. If both our body and mind are healthy, we are not lethargic to do any work and everything is done in time. An unhealthy person, on the other hand, is unable to concentrate on any task, which leads to failure in life.

Yoga routine for increased immunity & reduced stress



·         Neck up & down

10 reps

·         Neck sideways movement

10 reps

·         Shoulder rotation

10 reps (Forward & backward )

·         Hand clenching

10 reps 



·         Tadasana (Mountain pose)

10-15 sec hold * 3 sets

·         Uttanasana (Forward bend pose)

10-15  sec hold * 3 sets

·         Ustrasana (Camel pose)

10-15 sec hold * 3 sets

·         Marjariasana (Seated cat-cow pose )

5-10 sec hold * 3 sets

·         Janusirsasana (Head to knee pose)

10- 15 sec hold * 3 sets



·         Kapalabhati (Skull skinning pose)

5-10 mins (40-60 strokes/min )

·         Anulom vilom (Alternate nostril breathing)

5-10 mins


5-10 mins




Neck up and down

Neck sideways movement


Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Uttanasana (Forward Bend Pose)

Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Marjariasana (Seated Cat-Cow Pose )

Janusirsasana (Head To Knee Pose)


Yoga is important not just for one person, but for the entire human race. Its regular practice boosts the body's immunity to fight epidemics and other diseases. We should begin practicing it immediately and spread the word about it. If one of our recommendations begins yoga and improves his health, it will be a source of pride for us.

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