Expert-Approved Yoga Asanas For Stress Relief

  • 32 months ago
3 minute read.
Expert-Approved Yoga Asanas For Stress Relief

Yoga can be called an escape from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. Incorporating yoga into your work-life will benefit you in many ways. It will help you to refresh your mind and improve your mental and physical health, will give you a broader spectrum for something to look upon, and so on.

Yoga helps to reduce absenteeism and promotes stress relief. You will also be able to concentrate on your tasks. We all try to make each day productive and work with all our efforts and energy. However, sometimes the tension and the anxiety affect our well-being, and that's where yoga is needed.

Investing at least 20 minutes will also suffice, even if you have time management issues. There are a lot of asanas for different kinds of situations. From yoga for stress relief for beginners to yoga for stress relief and depression, you will find versatility in yoga.

In this article, we will talk about the benefits of yoga and the different yoga asanas to beat stress and anxiety. At the end of this article, I am sure you'll want to start practicing yoga very soon!


What do you think is why you should be practicing yoga daily? To have a healthy body, to relieve stress, or to do it just as a hobby? Well, it can be all of them. Here are some significant benefits of yoga that will compel you to choose yoga over anything else.

  • Relief from back pain
  • Works as a stress buster
  • Increases the energy
  • Heart remains healthy

1. Relief from back pain

The basic stretching techniques in yoga are good for easing back pain. People who have the problem of going through lower back pain after continuous hours of working might get help ifthey resort to yoga. The chronic back pain hurts, and early treatment may cure it. Many asanas can assist you in this. Read further to know more.

2. Works as a stress buster

There is yoga for stress relief for beginners that can help you ward off the unnecessary stress accumulating in your mind. Not only stress, but yoga also supports healthy eating, quality sleep,  and peace of mind. All these things need to be regulated for a proper healthy life.

3. Increases the energy

Yoga promotes mental and physical energy and boosts positivity. The negative thoughts that were crowding your mind will become fewer in number. Altogether, you'll feel fresh and relaxed. The urge to do something productive will push you towards your goal. Hence, practicing yoga should be incorporated into your daily life.

4. Heart remains healthy

Yoga reduces inflammation which in turn contributes to healthy hearts. Many people have excess weight, which hampers the health of the heart. Yoga controls the weight management of the body and blood pressure levels as well.


  • Uttanasana (Standing forward and then bending)
  • Paschimottanasana (Seated forward then bending)
  • Sukhasana (Sit upright with knees in proper posture)
  • Ananda Balasana (Lie down and bend your knees)

1. Uttanasana (Standing forward and then bending)

This asana will calm your brain and give you relief from stress, depression, and anxiety. It will also stimulate the functioning of the liver and the kidneys. Apart from these, you will also get a strengthening feel in your hips and knees.

2. Paschimottanasana (Seated forward then bending)

This asana will stretch your spine and hamstring. It will release stress and reduce fatigue and nausea. It will also improve the process of digestion, and for women, there is an extra advantage of getting relief from the symptoms of menopause.

3. Sukhasana (Sit upright with knees in proper posture)

You can practice this asana to lengthen your spine and stretch your hips. It will also help you to reduce both mental and physical exhaustion. Eliminate the stress and the anxiety by relaxing and at least doing this asana once every day.

4. Ananda Balasana (Lie down and bend your knees)

Like the last asana, this asana will also lengthen your spine and reduce your stress and the feeling of fatigue. It will calm your mind and help you meditate so that you can concentrate on your work-life and achieve your goals.

Yoga sessions will not only act as stress busters but also increase your patience. Yoga is definitely good for your health, so close your eyes and have faith in it.

Stress and anxiety are real problems, but people are not ready for a conversation. Hence, you need to find your own way of tackling your problems. Yoga can be one such option that can help you cope with real-life issues that are still not on the level of discussion.

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