Yoga Nidra: All That You Should Know About Yogic Sleep

  • 42 months ago
3 minute read.
Yoga Nidra: All That You Should Know About Yogic Sleep

Many people find yoga boring and keep looking at the clock, waiting for the session to get over. That's probably because shedding sweat and enduring pain is not everyone's perfect idea for relaxation. But what if you can perform yoga just by lying? What if you can be mindful and focus on your inner self just by relaxing on a mat or even in bed?

Does this sound like "that's my type" of yoga? Willing to know more? Let's step ahead!

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra (Yogic sleep) is a powerful meditation that is done effortlessly for deep relaxation and to become blissfully aware of pancha maya kosha i.e. 5 layers of self. It is a guided meditation form where the guide calmly instructs the yoga practitioners. The calm voice penetrates in the soul and fills the person with peace, joy and leaves them with the feeling of wholeness.

It is believed to cleanse the untidy state of mind and make one rise above the waves of thoughts as the breath balances, slowly and quietly letting the body find its natural state.

8 Steps to Peaceful Yoga Nidra

Find a peaceful environment to practice Yoga Nidra, put on comfortable clothes, and get ready to feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

1) Lie down straight on your back in Corpse Pose (Shavasana) on a yoga mat or the bed. Relax your body, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths slowly.

2) As you breathe, start bringing your focus to your right foot. Pay attention to your feet as you relax them and gently shift the attention to the right knee, then up towards the right thigh and hip. As you do so, be conscious of your whole leg.

3) Repeat the same process, now for the left leg.

4) Eventually, shift your attention to every part of your body: hands, neck, genitals, gut, navel region, chest, shoulders.

5) Feel the sensations in your body. Try to move your attention from one side to the other, from left arm to right arm, right shoulder to left shoulder, and finally towards the throat, face, and top of the head.

6) Relax in this position for a few minutes.

7) Become aware of your surroundings, turn to your right side and relax for 10-15 minutes.

8) Slowly and gradually open your eyes.

Don’t rush! Take your time to return and connect with the ordinary world.

Benefits of Yoga Nidra

1) Reduces stress and anxiety

According to studies, Yoga Nidra has been proven an effective way to combat stress and anxiety. It frees your body from unwanted tensions and thus decreases the chances of body mishaps like inflammation, heart disease, fatigue, stroke, sleep disorders, and chronic pain.

2) Paves a way towards self-discovery

Yoga Nidra can help you release long-held emotions and balance out your feelings. It aligns you strongly with your inner energy and intuitions as the practice keeps getting deeper. Your understanding of your actions gets better and you become more conscious of every step that you take.

3) Can be done by anyone

Unlike other yoga poses that may seem complex and hard to perform, Yoga Nidra is the easiest of all. It can be performed by anyone.

4) It lets you enjoy life to the fullest

It slams negative thinking, clears your thoughts, and creates space for positivity to rush into your soul. Soon, you'll start embracing even the little moments in life and attain joy in a short period.

5) Promotes creativity

Yoga Nidra unlocks your creativity because creativity flourishes the maximum when expectations are kept away. Emotional disturbances can block a person's creative side and limit their abilities to perform. Yoga can mold your behavior (towards self-acceptance) and let you deal with your internal emotions in an organized way by seeping self-discipline so that you can take action without discrimination.

Additional FAQs

Q) What is the best time to perform Yoga Nidra?

A) You can perform Yoga Nidra anytime, be it morning, evening, or before you go to sleep but do not practice it right after eating.

Q) Are there any side effects of Yoga Nidra?

A) Yoga Nidra should not be practiced by people with mental issues like schizophrenia and one should avoid overdoing it because too much of everything is bad.

Q) What is the idle session time for Yoga Nidra?

A) 15 mins to 1 hour session of Yoga Nidra is considered as the standard time because 1 hour of this amazing meditation is equal to several hours of normal sleep.

Whenever you finish the practice, spend a few mindful minutes thinking about how you felt at that moment? Do not wake up immediately, take it slow! Feel the warmth, feel your breath, and open your eyes as slowly as you can. Try exploring other yoga/meditation curated by experts on The Wellness TV. Consult a wellness coach to get customized fitness plans according to your goals and circumstances on The Wellness Corner. Track your progress and witness the difference by updating your workouts regularly on the app itself.

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