You add the S to the Super Human!

  • 47 months ago
2 minute read.
You add the S to the Super Human!

Don’t be modest! You wear many hats on an everyday basis. So many that you yourself don’t even recognize them all. From mother to wife to businesswoman to best friend, or from a father to a husband to a son to a businessman to a friend, you are more than just the king/queen of one world. You reign in various areas of your life.

Don’t forget how many roles you juggle from day-to-day with no effort at all. Here’s how you add S’ in the ‘Super Human’!

  • You bring home the veges, the cheddar, and the bread. You are the breadwinner for your home, you are not only responsible for the breadwinning for them, but you also step in and make sure there’s a roof over your children’s heads, making sure they don’t go hungry and have a safe bed to sleep in, all while paying the bills on time.
  • You are a leader among your peers and co-workers during the workday, putting together the pieces of the job and making sure everyone around you, from your supervisor to the intern, is doing their specific duties. You are assertive and play your position whether you’re the leader or pulling up the rear for a certain team, department or project.
  • As a role model, you set the standard for others coming after you and reflect those who came before you. You carry yourself with pride and motivation, which motivates others to look up to you as a professional and personal role model, whether it be your friends or co-workers.
  • You are a team player, making sure you are fulfilling the role assigned to you to benefit the company. You pull together your own resources and innovative ideas for the greater good of the department or company in order to accomplish the goals set out by your supervisor. You don’t overstep your boundaries on the team, but you don’t choose to play it totally “safe” either, stepping up when needed for the benefit of your other co-workers. You see the big picture of the project and work hard with others to get it done.
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