Malaria is caused by a tiny parasite carried by certain mosquitoes. When these mosquitoes bite people, they can spread the parasite to them...
21 months ago
Mangoes can be a nutritious choice during pregnancy. However, it is important to enjoy them in moderation due to their high sugar content........
Ways to improve your company’s disability-inclusion practices: 1. Educate yourself and your team 2. Create an inclusive culture 3. Provide.......
If your face is chubby & rounder & you want to turn it into a more sleek & toned shape try these workouts. These face exercises require no special equipment.
This golden elixir derived from sunflower seeds is a powerhouse of essential vitamins and fatty acids that can transform your skincare routine...
Coffee is commonly idealized to treat hangovers, but is it effective? Is it safe? Let's take a closer look at the science behind.
1. Forward Bend (Uttanasana) 2. Standing Split 3. Half-Moon Pose 4. Extended Side Angle 5. Standing Big Toe Pose 6. Tree Pose 7. Chair Pose......
Period headaches can be mild & come with symptoms like irritability & sore breasts. A headache can occur before, during, or post a period.
A diet rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can play a crucial role in supporting your body's natural defenses against measles.
Whether it's a pesky swimmer's ear or a bothersome middle ear infection, these little troubles can cause significant discomfort. Here are tips...
When considering whether or not to remain friends with an ex, it's crucial to reflect on your emotions & motivations for wanting to maintain a friendship.
Mirror gazing can provide a wide range of benefits: 1. Promoting Self-Awareness 2. Reducing Stress and Anxiety 3. Improving Concentration & Focus
The symptoms of H3N2 flu may include: 1. Fever 2. Body aches 3. Cough 4. Sore throat 5. Fatigue 6. Running nose 7. Chills 8. Nausea and vomiting
Sabudana/Sago has several benefits 1. Provides energy boost 2. Promotes digestive health 3. Supports heart health 4. Helps in muscle building 5.